wovencode / OpenMMO-Other

Ideas, Tasks and others
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[ongoing] Project Organization Scheme #41

Open DX4D opened 4 years ago

DX4D commented 4 years ago

In order to optimize build and script compile times, 3rd party assets and OpenMMO Modules should go in the Plugins folder. This includes various modular systems - chat, stat systems, inventory systems, etc

Scripts related to the CORE functionality of the asset belong in the Core folder under the appropriate sub folder (Managers, Components, etc). Core files can be defined as any script that interacts directly with the Networking Layer or the Database Layer.

Core functionality includes features that every game will need such as the ability to create and log into an account, create a character, and move around the game world via zones and portals.

When in doubt where something should go, create it in the Plugins/Modules folder and give it its own folder there.