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[task] Test New Targeting System #56

Open francy51 opened 4 years ago

francy51 commented 4 years ago

We need a @playtester to run the new Targeting System through a solid playtest session. It was just uploaded to the git

SETUP PROCESS: (folder=OpenMMO/_WIP/TargetingSystem/) 1-Add a Targetable component to objects in the scene that you want to be able to target. 2-Add a Targeting System component to your player prefab. 3-Configure the components as desired. (Autotarget is recommended) 4-Drop the TARGET UI prefab into your Scene.

TO TEST: -Check if targeting works through walls. -Make sure that the autotarget feature is working properly. -Make sure targeting range is 3 dimensional. (Items overhead should be targetable, but not beyond the allowed range.) -Make sure Target UI shows when targets are in range and hides when targets are not in range (or not in front if using RaycastTargeting).

Report your results in #testing-reports Anyone on the @Team is welcome to take on this task, multiple testers is ideal.