I set up a GitHub action to comment on issues which were transferred to the repository. When an issue is transferred, it should comment on the issue with a request for more context.
Current Behavior
The action is triggered, but the comment is never posted. The action succeeds.
Possible Solution
I may have implemented the action incorrectly. Here is the implementation:
name: Issue Context Bot
on: [issues]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: wow-actions/auto-comment@v1.0.7
issuesTransferred: |
"Hi @{{ author }},
It looks like your issue has been transferred to the Consul on Kubernetes repository.
If your issue is a question or bug report, there is some additional context that will
help us solve your issue. Please reply with the following information if it is not
included in your original issue:
- the [Helm values](https://www.consul.io/docs/k8s/helm) you used to install Consul
on Kubernetes
- the version of Consul on Kubernetes used
- the version of Kubernetes you are using
- if you installed Consul on Kubernetes using Helm or the Consul-K8s CLI"
👋 @t-eckert
Thank you for raising an issue. We will investigate into the matter and get back to you as soon as possible.
Please make sure you have given us as much context as possible.
Expected Behavior
I set up a GitHub action to comment on issues which were transferred to the repository. When an issue is transferred, it should comment on the issue with a request for more context.
Current Behavior
The action is triggered, but the comment is never posted. The action succeeds.
Possible Solution
I may have implemented the action incorrectly. Here is the implementation:
Steps To Reproduce
Here is an example of an issue which was transferred to the repository yet did not get the comment added: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-k8s/issues/1054