wow-addon / FarmIt2

A fork of FarmIt which has not been updated in a little while. Original;
9 stars 6 forks source link

Make installable via instawow #16

Open KOVIKO opened 2 years ago

KOVIKO commented 2 years ago

Instawow is unable to install from this repository, with this error:

$ instawow install github:wow-addon/FarmIt2
✗ github:wow-addon/FarmIt2
  no files found for: any_flavour=None; any_release_type=None;
Mythris29 commented 1 year ago

@davidcraig I'm not exactly sure how Wowup and Instawow handle addons but if you look at it works as a github addon in Wowup. I think it needs a release in a .zip format to work.