wowdev / WoWDBDefs

Client database definitions for World of Warcraft
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ChrRaces #90

Closed funjoker closed 2 years ago

funjoker commented 2 years ago

locstring Name_RS_lang? // quest text $RS locstring Name_RS_female_lang? // quest text $RS locstring Name_RS_lowercase_lang? // quest text $rs locstring Name_RS_female_lowercase_lang? // quest text $rs locstring Name_RL_lang? // quest text $RL locstring Name_RL_female_lang? // quest text $RL locstring Name_RL_lowercase_lang? // quest text $rl locstring Name_RL_female_lowercase_lang? // quest text $rl

i don't know any $rs or $rl usage in quests... can someone tell me what this is about?

otherwise i don't think this naming is correct

bloerwald commented 2 years ago

The names and selection logic was taken from the client back when I added it and I’m fairly sure it was correct then. What indication do you have for it being wrong? Did you check other languages?

funjoker commented 2 years ago

I ran string search on all tables in TC (bruteforced data). I was unable to find any. Only find was $rs which was clearly <race>s… just the Race appended by s. Looking at the locales it is clearly just an s appended due to English language. e.g the Plural of Human is humans. In German it’s Mensch and Menschen.

bloerwald commented 2 years ago has image image image image So I claim it is correct, except that I apparently flipped the R and S.

funjoker commented 2 years ago

Blizzard gave us a present.


jgwinner commented 2 years ago

That code is fascinating - can I ask what it's from?

bloerwald commented 2 years ago

That code is fascinating - can I ask what it's from?

The snippets above are decompiled code from the client executable.