wowmaking / react-native-iron-source

Iron Source SDK React Native bridge
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Every time I got event ironSourceRewardedVideoUnavailable #46

Closed tarasvakulka closed 4 years ago

tarasvakulka commented 4 years ago

initializeIronSource completed good, but I got event ironSourceRewardedVideoUnavailable why??? Guys help please. Maybe I don't send my addUnit Id, where I must pass this?

StanislavMayorov commented 4 years ago

Hi. Can you find any log messages from iron source in android logcat or xcode?

StanislavMayorov commented 4 years ago

Or try to use Validate integration option logs

tarasvakulka commented 4 years ago

I try Validate integration option, logs from xcode: 2019-11-05 12:01:44.253305+0200 MovieFan[25203:145567] initializeIronSource called!! with key a.... and user id 1..... 2019-11-05 12:01:44.339097+0200 MovieFan[25203:145567] IntegrationHelper --------------- IronSource -------------- 2019-11-05 12:01:44.396025+0200 MovieFan[25203:145636] 5.20.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM012002] Error in application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: remote notifications are not supported in the simulator .... .... 2019-11-05 11:54:44.627133+0200 MovieFan[23038:136920] [ironSource SDK] ADAPTER_DELEGATE: SupersonicAds: interstitial ad failed to load : 0

tarasvakulka commented 4 years ago

@StanislavMayorov Can you help?

StanislavMayorov commented 4 years ago

I don't know. Looks like a native SDK issue.

StanislavMayorov commented 4 years ago

@tarasvakulka Did you find any solution?

tarasvakulka commented 4 years ago

Yes, for me Rewarded video don't work on IOS simulator, but work well on release build