defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'Cheatin\' uh?' );
* CloudFlare API
class WP_Rocket_CloudFlareAPI
// The URL of the API
private $api_endpoint = 'https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html';
// The URL of Spam API
private $spam_endpoint = 'https://www.cloudflare.com/ajax/external-event.html';
// Timeout for the API requests in seconds
const TIMEOUT = 5;
// Stores the api key
private $api_key;
// Stores the email login
private $email;
* @var The single instance of the class
protected static $_instance = null;
* Make a new instance of the API client
public function __construct( $email, $api_key )
$this->email = $email;
$this->api_key = $api_key;
* Main WP_Rocket_CloudFlareAPI Instance
* Ensures only one instance of class is loaded or can be loaded.
* @static
* @return Main instance
public static function instance( $email, $api_key ) {
if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) {
self::$_instance = new self( $email, $api_key );
return self::$_instance;
* Retrieve A List Of The Domains
* This lists all domains in a CloudFlare account along with other data.
public function zone_load_multi()
$data = array(
'a' => 'zone_load_multi'
return $this->http_post( $data );
* List All The Current Settings
* This function retrieves all the current settings for a given domain.
public function zone_settings( $domain )
$data = array(
'a' => 'zone_settings',
'z' => $domain
return $this->http_post( $data );
* Set The Cache Level
* This function sets the Caching Level to Aggressive or Basic.
* The switches are: (agg|basic).
public function cache_lvl( $domain, $mode )
$data = array(
'a' => 'cache_lvl',
'z' => $domain,
'v' => (strtolower($mode) == 'agg') ? 'agg' : 'basic'
return $this->http_post( $data );
* Toggling Development Mode
* This function allows you to toggle Development Mode on or off for a particular domain.
* When Development Mode is on the cache is bypassed.
* Development mode remains on for 3 hours or until when it is toggled back off.
public function devmode( $domain, $mode )
$data = array(
'a' => 'devmode',
'z' => $domain,
'v' => ($mode == true) ? 1 : 0
return $this->http_post( $data );
* Clear CloudFlare's Cache
* This function will purge CloudFlare of any cached files.
* It may take up to 48 hours for the cache to rebuild and optimum performance to be achieved.
* This function should be used sparingly.
public function fpurge_ts( $domain )
$data = array(
'a' => 'fpurge_ts',
'z' => $domain,
'v' => 1
return $this->http_post( $data );
* Purge A Single File In CloudFlare's Cache
* This function will purge a single file from CloudFlare's cache.
public function zone_file_purge( $domain, $url )
$data = array(
'a' => 'zone_file_purge',
'z' => $domain,
'url' => $url
return $this->http_post( $data );
* Set Rocket Loader
* This function changes Rocket Loader setting.
public function async( $domain, $mode )
$data = array(
'a' => 'async',
'z' => $domain,
'v' => $mode
return $this->http_post( $data );
* Set Minification
* This function changes minification settings.
public function minify( $domain, $mode )
$data = array(
'a' => 'minify',
'z' => $domain,
'v' => $mode
return $this->http_post( $data );
* HTTP POST a specific task with the supplied data
private function http_post( $data )
$data['u'] = $this->email;
$data['tkn'] = $this->api_key;
$response = wp_remote_post( $this->api_endpoint, array(
'timeout' => self::TIMEOUT,
'headers' => array(),
'body' => $data,
'cookies' => array()
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return $response->get_error_message();
} else {
return json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) );
// Reporting Spam IP to CloudFlare
public function reporting_spam_ip( $payload ) {
$response = wp_remote_get(
sprintf( '%s?evnt_v=%s&u=%s&tkn=%s&evnt_t=%s', $this->spam_endpoint, $payload, $this->email, $this->api_key, 'WP_SPAM' ),
'method' => 'GET',
'timeout' => self::TIMEOUT,
'sslverify' => true,
'user-agent' => 'CloudFlare/WordPress/' . WP_ROCKET_VERSION,
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return $response->get_error_message();
} else {
return json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) );
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