wp-cli / extension-command

Manages plugins and themes, including installs, activations, and updates.
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The number of elements in the "wp plugin search" output is incorrect #156

Open amieiro opened 5 years ago

amieiro commented 5 years ago

# What is your system? Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Linux homestead 4.15.0-38-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 10 10:59:38 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I use Laravel Homestead (Vagrant VM machine).

# Which version of PHP are you using? PHP 7.2.11-4+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (cli) (built: Nov 4 2018 05:11:49) ( NTS )

# Are you running suhosin? No.

# Which version of WordPress are you using? 5.0.3

# Which version of WP-CLI are you using? WP-CLI 2.1.0

# Can you share the results of which wp ? File: /usr/local/bin/wp Size: 5421617 Blocks: 10592 IO Block: 4096 regular file Device: fd00h/64768d Inode: 917538 Links: 1 Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 2019-03-06 16:12:41.402428990 +0000 Modify: 2019-02-25 22:08:10.044998541 +0000 Change: 2019-02-25 22:08:11.836965987 +0000

# Are you running any packages? No.

When I make a search in the plugin repository using the "wp plugin search" command with the parameter "--per-page", when I use 5 elements per page the result is correct.

$ wp plugin search ticketing --fields=version,slug,rating,num_ratings,downloaded --per-page=5
Success: Showing 5 of 145 plugins.
| version      | slug                           | rating | num_ratings | downloaded |
| 3.3.2        | tickera-event-ticketing-system | 92     | 89          | 124432     |
| 1.7.0        | camptix                        | 82     | 17          | 30473      |
| 1.7          | ticket-tailor                  | 78     | 26          | 51517      |
| 1.8.0        | my-tickets                     | 100    | 21          | 45666      |
| 4.9.79.decaf | event-espresso-decaf           | 86     | 97          | 152670     |

But when I change to 10 elements per page, the output only shows 9 elements.

$ wp plugin search ticketing --fields=version,slug,rating,num_ratings,downloaded --per-page=10
Success: Showing 9 of 145 plugins.
| version      | slug                                     | rating | num_ratings | downloaded |
| 3.3.2        | tickera-event-ticketing-system           | 92     | 89          | 124432     |
| 1.7.0        | camptix                                  | 82     | 17          | 30473      |
| 1.7          | ticket-tailor                            | 78     | 26          | 51517      |
| 1.8.0        | my-tickets                               | 100    | 21          | 45666      |
| 4.9.79.decaf | event-espresso-decaf                     | 86     | 97          | 152670     |
| 2.9.0        | opentickets-community-edition            | 72     | 38          | 52530      |
| 0.6.0        | nanosupport                              | 84     | 13          | 4606       |
| 9.1.2        | wp-support-plus-responsive-ticket-system | 86     | 206         | 217930     |
| 2.1.1        | js-support-ticket                        | 82     | 42          | 63135      |

And it occurs the same when I change the parameter to 20 elements per page.

$ wp plugin search ticketing --fields=version,slug,rating,num_ratings,downloaded --per-page=20
Success: Showing 19 of 145 plugins.
| version      | slug                                     | rating | num_ratings | downloaded |
| 3.3.2        | tickera-event-ticketing-system           | 92     | 89          | 124432     |
| 1.7.0        | camptix                                  | 82     | 17          | 30473      |
| 1.7          | ticket-tailor                            | 78     | 26          | 51517      |
| 1.8.0        | my-tickets                               | 100    | 21          | 45666      |
| 4.9.79.decaf | event-espresso-decaf                     | 86     | 97          | 152670     |
| 2.9.0        | opentickets-community-edition            | 72     | 38          | 52530      |
| 0.6.0        | nanosupport                              | 84     | 13          | 4606       |
| 9.1.2        | wp-support-plus-responsive-ticket-system | 86     | 206         | 217930     |
| 2.1.1        | js-support-ticket                        | 82     | 42          | 63135      |
| 4.10.1       | event-tickets                            | 66     | 41          | 657330     |
| 5.8.9        | newsletter                               | 92     | 806         | 8000297    |
| 2.0.2        | ploxel                                   | 100    | 2           | 1232       |
| 2.4          | support-ticket-system-by-phoeniixx       | 96     | 4           | 48985      |
| 4.3          | ticketor                                 | 100    | 1           | 974        |
| 5.8.0        | awesome-support                          | 90     | 144         | 171455     |
| 4.2.6        | liveagent                                | 92     | 57          | 24740      |
| 1.0          | eventbee-ticketing-widget                | 0      | 0           | 522        |
| 1.0.62       | wats                                     | 80     | 58          | 88900      |
| 1.0.3        | line-up-event-calendar-and-ticketing     | 100    | 2           | 4014       |
schlessera commented 5 years ago

That seems to be an upstream issue with the WordPress.org API. I created a Meta Trac ticket for this: https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4253