wp-cli / ideas

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User Goal: wp plugin commands to reinstall extensions exactly (active/inactive, auto updates on/off) from list file or database backup #171

Open porg opened 1 year ago

porg commented 1 year ago

Big picture: Efficiently backup my Wordpress database. Then restore Wordpress Core + Extensions (Themes, Plugins) as exactly as possible in an automated fashion.

  1. In this scenario I back up my Media Library by other means (rsync or CDN). What remains:
  2. Backup the database (already know how to do that).
    • Note: That database already contains a list of all plugins (in their exact states) in the table wp_options in the various *_plugins rows.
    • That alone should make a convenient automatic re-installation of all themes and plugins possible.
    • It's a pity that there is yet no wp-cli command making use of this. Big user experience potential!
    • Proposing to make that possible with: β†’ wp-cli/extension-command#345
  3. Source Code: Wordpress Core + Themes + Plugins:
    • Backing up up those generic source code files is a waste as they anyhow exist in public online repositories.
    • But in addition to step 2, I want to backup a list of installed plugins, like various Unix package managers allow that.
      • To keep that extension-list (CSV, JSON, …) for documentation purposes and for automated re-installation.
    • This is already possible with wp plugin list.
      • But currently does not keep track of whether auto-updates for a particular plugin are enabled or disabled.
      • In a few cases I keep a plugin frozen at a particular version on purpose.
      • On automatic restore those plugins should keep that setting.
      • Proposing to improve this with: β†’ wp-cli/extension-command#344
danielbachhuber commented 1 year ago

Great idea, @porg !

This is similar to a project I worked on in the past: https://github.com/danielbachhuber/dictator

I've moved your issue to the wp-cli/ideas repo. Our existing packages try to emulate WordPress core behavior as much as possible. This particular idea probably makes most sense as a standalone package.

If you'd like to work on such a package, here are some docs to help get you started: https://make.wordpress.org/cli/handbook/guides/commands-cookbook/

Hope this helps!

porg commented 1 year ago

Flattered that you like my idea! As mentioned I'm a UX designer and no developer.

To model the command verbs along the Wordpress core terminology is a good decision! My wording below is purely to present the idea. Ofc it should match the typical wp-cli style and grammar.

  1. I deem a new overall command like restore with various sub-commands not suited for the intended use:
    • because of the manifold possibilities of sources (plugin-list, theme-list, database)
    • to destinations (plugin-list, theme-list, database)
    • and each of them possible having multiple options.
    • all together yielding too many permutations which would explode the grammar & vocabulary, e.g.:
      $ wp restore
      --plugins [ full-or-partial-DB-file | plugins.csv ] … specific opts e.g. --plugin-version=preserve
      --themes [ full-or-partial-DB-file | themes.csv ] … specific opts e.g. --theme-activation-status=preserve
      --database ideally-full-DB-file … specific opts e.g. [ --database-prefix-old "wp_"  --database-prefix-prefix-new "wp2_" ]

      You see: It quickly gets a mess. Because with a database file as a source the user may have different intents for the target (restore the plugins from it or the database tables itself, or only the plugin options, or … or …). It gets manifold pretty soon!

2) Hence I propose to rather integrate a --restore option to each of the destination specific commands like plugin / theme / db.

porg commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/danielbachhuber/dictator is not available, but I found https://danielbachhuber.com/introducing-dictator/

danielbachhuber commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/danielbachhuber/dictator is not available

@porg Oh! Sorry, I made it a private archive previously and forgot about it.

These folks are actively working on it: https://github.com/boxuk/dictator

As I understand it, the practical goal of this is to clone a Wordpress Site in terms of plugins and/or themes and/or configuration to a fresh site without necessarily the content data (posts, pages, categories, media, users).

Yes β€” and offer an abstraction for doing so, to bring the data into a YAML file that can be tracked in version control.

It is abandoned. Why? Are there meanwhile other established methods for this?

Oh, I didn't want to pursue it anymore.

porg commented 1 year ago
danielbachhuber commented 1 year ago

What you did not answer: Has dictator become the standard way for the forementioned practical goal?

  • Or other methods/apps/software-stacks?
  • Or is cloning/version-managing Wordpress overall still a very vivid/developing/competitive domain?
  • I'd appreciate a good link or summary on this. Thanks!

I have no idea! I think this would make a great blog post 😁 Post Status might pay you for a guest contribution.

porg commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info. As a relatively new arrival to the Wordpress scene (intensive research for my website from 9-12/2021, then a pause (content creation), now 12/2022 resuming website work) I may have the unbiased outside view, and see features or the lack of it, maybe differently.

But nevertheless I'm no expert at all for a serious guest contribution.

Maybe when my website is finally done, and I had some "DevOps" experience with it (with life teaching disasters along the way πŸ˜‰ ) I may qualify πŸ˜‚