wp-cli / media-command

Imports files as attachments, regenerates thumbnails, or lists registered image sizes.
MIT License
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This script times out on installs with large number of attachments #134

Closed claytoncollie closed 9 months ago

claytoncollie commented 4 years ago


I used this script a few months ago on an install with somewhere around 12k attachments. I updated the theme and needed to resize all of my images. I initially used Regenerate Thumbnails but that timed out my login session and failed after a while. I then used this script which went a little faster but ultimately timed out and failed. I didn't think much of it then and kept running the script to see if I could make it all the way through my images.

Now that I am building a command for another client and using this script as an example, I am starting to think more about the WP_Query that gets all posts. To make this more scalable, should this query be changed to a paged query inside a foreach loop based on the number of total posts for this post type?

Something like

$total = 0;
$count = wp_count_posts( 'attachment' );

if ( ! empty( $count ) ) {

    foreach( $count as $post_status => $posts ) {
        $total += $posts;


$posts_per_page = 100;

$pages = ceil( $total / $posts_per_page );

for($page = 1; $page <= $pages; $page++) {

    $query = new WP_Query(
            'post_type'           => 'attachment',
            'post_status'        => 'any',
            'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
            'paged'              => $page

        // Do loop here.

danielbachhuber commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion, @claytoncollie

I think I'd avoid a full refactoring and simply add some memory management while it's iterating through attachments.

oxyc commented 9 months ago

I got 500k attachments :) guess ill just write a wrapper then

danielbachhuber commented 9 months ago
