wp-cli / search-replace-command

Searches/replaces strings in the database.
MIT License
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Alert the user of db table permissions errors #123

Open Benunc opened 5 years ago

Benunc commented 5 years ago

Feature Request

Use Case and user story

When there are database table permissions errors, search-replace should be able to alert the user.

I was working with an older DB that I had manually imported the wp_posts table with the wrong DB permissions. (the table was read-only)

When I did a dry-run of the search-replace it worked great, showed me all the replacements to be made, etc.

Then when I did a live run, it went through the process and still reported that there were 527 changes to make, but instead of making them it returned Success: 0 Replacements made

I downloaded a more blunt tool for forcing the DB updates through, and that's when I discovered that the table in question is read-only. Once I knew that, the workaround was simple: export the DB to a fresh DB using wp db export and then import that fresh database, which resets the permissions, then search-replace worked like a charm.

I also tried with --verbose and --debug but the critical piece (when the actual SQL is running) is not outputting anything useful.

Output of the Dry Run

527 Replacements to be made

Output of the --debug argument on a live run

Success: made 0 replacements

Proposed solution

It would be more helpful if table permission errors are preventing the actual changing, that this is output.

I'd propose an additional argument of --errors or adding this output to the existing --debug argument.

schlessera commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the report, @Benunc! I think it might make even more sense to actually forward errors or warnings, and in this case show an error that a read-only db/table cannot be changed.