wp-cli / search-replace-command

Searches/replaces strings in the database.
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Had To Update Post To Make Search & Replace Serialized Data To Display #154

Closed momomesh closed 9 months ago

momomesh commented 3 years ago

hi guys,

I've successfully used: wp search-replace "https://youtube.com/ufikekwlf" "https://youtube.com/ufjkjgk6lfd" wp_postmeta meta_value --skip-columns=meta_key

It's a repeatable_fields in my post under "video player", It's also a serialized data,

in the post I see that the data has been successfully changed from the one to the other, but when going to the actual post from the front end it's not showing the new link, instead it's showing the old link,

I've cleared cached (from browser and site), still same problem, until I had to "press the update" button on the post,

only will the new link register, am I missing something here?

any suggestion would be helpful as finding and replacing serialized data is huge right now!
