wp-cli / search-replace-command

Searches/replaces strings in the database.
MIT License
57 stars 45 forks source link

Regex search-replace has to be run multiple times to replace all instances #157

Closed blogtutor closed 3 years ago

blogtutor commented 3 years ago

Bug Report

Describe the current, buggy behavior

I'm running a regex search-replace after changing permalink settings. The goal is to update hardcoded internal links so they do not need to go through redirects.

When I run the regex command, it makes some successful replacements -- but it's not consistently replacing everything. If I run the exact same command again, it will replace some more... and I have to repeat that several times until it says no more replacements were made. (At that point, I'm assuming it's actually replaced all the instances, though I'm also not sure of that.)

I've seen this on multiple sites, on different hosts, with a few different old permalink formats. For example, changing from /%year%/%month%/%postname%/ to /%postname%/, or /%category%/%postname%/ to /%postname%/.

Describe how other contributors can replicate this bug

Run a command similar to this one on a site (with hundreds of posts), where many replacements need to be made. (In this case the goal is to strip /seasonal-recipes/ from the URLs).

wp search-replace 'https://www.domain.com/seasonal-recipes/(.*)' 'https://www.domain.com/\1' --regex --skip-columns=guid

Describe what you would expect as the correct outcome

All instances in the database (except in the guid columns) would be replaced on the first run.

Let us know what environment you are running this on

OS:     Linux 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct 19 16:18:59 UTC 2020 x86_64
Shell:  /bin/bash
PHP binary:     /usr/local/bin/php
PHP version:    7.4.16
php.ini used:   /usr/local/lib/php.ini
WP-CLI root dir:        phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli
WP-CLI vendor dir:      phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor
WP_CLI phar path:       /home/nginx/domains/yummytoddlerfood.com/public
WP-CLI packages dir:
WP-CLI global config:
WP-CLI project config:
WP-CLI version: 2.4.0

Provide additional context/Screenshots

Here is a screenshot of running the exact same command several times in a row. If it had successfully replaced all instances on the first run, the second run should have no replacements.

[nginx@17253 public]$ wp search-replace 'https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/snacks-recipes/(.*)' 'https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/\1' --regex --skip-columns=guid
PHP Notice:  Constant DB_COLLATE already defined in phar:///usr/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php(1197) : eval()'d code on line 39
| Table                            | Column                | Replacements | Type |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | hook                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | status                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | args                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | schedule              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | extended_args         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_groups        | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_logs          | message               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_commentmeta                   | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_commentmeta                   | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_email  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_url    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_IP     | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_content       | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_approved      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_agent         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_type          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_url              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_name             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_image            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_target           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_description      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_visible          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_rel              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_notes            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_rss              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | option_name           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | option_value          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | autoload              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_postmeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_postmeta                      | meta_value            | 1            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_content          | 33           | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_title            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_excerpt          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_status           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | comment_status        | 0            | PHP  |
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| wp_posts                         | post_password         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_name             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | to_ping               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | pinged                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_content_filtered | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_type             | 0            | PHP  |
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| wp_snippets                      | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | description           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | code                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | tags                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | scope                 | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_term_taxonomy                 | taxonomy              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_term_taxonomy                 | description           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_termmeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_termmeta                      | meta_value            | 1            | PHP  |
| wp_terms                         | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_terms                         | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_usermeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_usermeta                      | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_login            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_nicename         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_email            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_url              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_activation_key   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | display_name          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | sku                   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | stock_status          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | tax_status            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | tax_class             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_tax_rate_classes           | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_tax_rate_classes           | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
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| wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta    | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
Success: Made 35 replacements.
[nginx@17253 public]$ wp search-replace 'https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/snacks-recipes/(.*)' 'https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/\1' --regex --skip-columns=guid
PHP Notice:  Constant DB_COLLATE already defined in phar:///usr/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php(1197) : eval()'d code on line 39
| Table                            | Column                | Replacements | Type |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | hook                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | status                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | args                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | schedule              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | extended_args         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_groups        | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_logs          | message               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_commentmeta                   | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_commentmeta                   | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_email  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_url    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_IP     | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_content       | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_approved      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_agent         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_type          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_url              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_name             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_image            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_target           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_description      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_visible          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_rel              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_notes            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_rss              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | option_name           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | option_value          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | autoload              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_postmeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_postmeta                      | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_content          | 6            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_title            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_excerpt          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_status           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | comment_status        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | ping_status           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_password         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_name             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | to_ping               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | pinged                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_content_filtered | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_type             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_mime_type        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | description           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | code                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | tags                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | scope                 | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_term_taxonomy                 | taxonomy              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_term_taxonomy                 | description           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_termmeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_termmeta                      | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_terms                         | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_terms                         | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_usermeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_usermeta                      | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_login            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_nicename         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_email            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_url              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_activation_key   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | display_name          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | sku                   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | stock_status          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | tax_status            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | tax_class             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_tax_rate_classes           | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_tax_rate_classes           | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta    | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta    | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
Success: Made 6 replacements.
[nginx@17253 public]$ wp search-replace 'https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/snacks-recipes/(.*)' 'https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/\1' --regex --skip-columns=guid
PHP Notice:  Constant DB_COLLATE already defined in phar:///usr/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php(1197) : eval()'d code on line 39
| Table                            | Column                | Replacements | Type |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | hook                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | status                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | args                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | schedule              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions       | extended_args         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_groups        | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_logs          | message               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_commentmeta                   | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_commentmeta                   | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_email  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_url    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_author_IP     | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_content       | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_approved      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_agent         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_comments                      | comment_type          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_url              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_name             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_image            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_target           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_description      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_visible          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_rel              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_notes            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_links                         | link_rss              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | option_name           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | option_value          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_options                       | autoload              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_postmeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_postmeta                      | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_content          | 1            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_title            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_excerpt          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_status           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | comment_status        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | ping_status           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_password         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_name             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | to_ping               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | pinged                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_content_filtered | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_type             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                         | post_mime_type        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | description           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | code                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | tags                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_snippets                      | scope                 | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_term_taxonomy                 | taxonomy              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_term_taxonomy                 | description           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_termmeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_termmeta                      | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_terms                         | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_terms                         | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_usermeta                      | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_usermeta                      | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_login            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_nicename         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_email            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_url              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | user_activation_key   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                         | display_name          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | sku                   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | stock_status          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | tax_status            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_product_meta_lookup        | tax_class             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_tax_rate_classes           | name                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_wc_tax_rate_classes           | slug                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta    | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta    | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta | meta_key              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
Success: Made 1 replacement.
[nginx@17253 public]$

Thank you!! 😁

blogtutor commented 3 years ago

I just tried this again, adding --precise to the command, but that didn't help either.

wp search-replace 'https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/advice/cooking-tips/(.*)' 'https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/\1' --regex --precise --skip-columns=guid --dry-run

Every time I run the command, the number of instances goes down, until it finally hits 0. In the above case, the first run replaced 85 instances. Running again replaced 8. Then 3. Then 2, and finally 0.

blogtutor commented 3 years ago

So I started thinking that maybe this isn't a bug, and just that my regex search was too greedy. Having (.*) at the end of the search, then the first URL in a post would match, and then the entire rest of the contents of the post would also match. So then it would replace the URL (and the rest of the contents)..and any URLs after that would effectively be skipped.

That's true, but when I make the regex more specific -- including a trailing slash -- I still see WP-CLI trying to replace (matching) more than it should.

For example, I just ran this:

wp search-replace 'yummytoddlerfood\.com\/recipes\/birthdays\/(.*)\/' 'yummytoddlerfood.com/\1/' --regex --skip-columns=guid --before_context=0 --after_context=0 --log=birthdays6.log --dry-run

Here are some sample entries from the log. Why wouldn't it stop with the first trailing slash after the (.*) search?

< yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/birthdays/sweet-potato-cake-with-cream-cheese-frosting/">sweet potato cake version here</
> yummytoddlerfood.com/sweet-potato-cake-with-cream-cheese-frosting/">sweet potato cake version here</
< yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/birthdays/lower-sugar-vanilla-cupcakes/">Healthy Vanilla Cupcakes</a>, <a href="https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/desserts/lower-sugar-chocolate-cupcakes/">Easy Chocolate Cupcakes</a>, <a href="https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/desserts/healthy-chocolate-cake-lower-sugar-allergy-friendly/">Healthy Chocolate Cake</a>.</
> yummytoddlerfood.com/lower-sugar-vanilla-cupcakes/">Healthy Vanilla Cupcakes</a>, <a href="https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/desserts/lower-sugar-chocolate-cupcakes/">Easy Chocolate Cupcakes</a>, <a href="https://www.yummytoddlerfood.com/recipes/desserts/healthy-chocolate-cake-lower-sugar-allergy-friendly/">Healthy Chocolate Cake</a>.</
jcatello commented 3 years ago

Just as a follow up, I am seeing the same behavior with no regex:

[20:49][root@wpo.domain.com public]# wp search-replace domaincom.bigscoots-staging.com domain.com --all-tables --precise
| Table                                                | Column                  | Replacements | Type |
| wp_buxw_actionscheduler_actions                      | hook                    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_actionscheduler_actions                      | status                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_actionscheduler_actions                      | args                    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_actionscheduler_actions                      | schedule                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_actionscheduler_actions                      | extended_args           | 0            | PHP  |
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| wp_buxw_actionscheduler_logs                         | message                 | 0            | PHP  |
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| wp_buxw_bv_activities_store                          | request_id              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_activities_store                          | ip                      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_activities_store                          | event_type              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_activities_store                          | event_data              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | ip                      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | path                    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | host                    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | method                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | referer                 | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | user_agent              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | filenames               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | query_string            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_bv_fw_requests                               | rules_info              | 0            | PHP  |
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| wp_buxw_ms_snippets                                  | code                    | 0            | PHP  |
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| wp_buxw_ngg_album                                    | sortorder               | 0            | PHP  |
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Success: Made 16561 replacements.
[20:50][root@wpo.domain.com public]# wp search-replace domaincom.bigscoots-staging.com domain.com --all-tables --precise
| Table                                                | Column                  | Replacements | Type |
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Success: Made 6367 replacements.
[20:50][root@wpo.domain.com public]# wp search-replace domaincom.bigscoots-staging.com domain.com --all-tables --precise
| Table                                                | Column                  | Replacements | Type |
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Success: Made 2000 replacements.
[20:50][root@wpo.domain.com public]# wp search-replace domaincom.bigscoots-staging.com domain.com --all-tables --precise
| Table                                                | Column                  | Replacements | Type |
| wp_buxw_actionscheduler_actions                      | hook                    | 0            | PHP  |
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| wp_buxw_woocommerce_tax_rates                        | tax_rate                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_woocommerce_tax_rates                        | tax_rate_name           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_woocommerce_tax_rates                        | tax_rate_class          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_wpfm_backup                                  | backup_name             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_wpfm_backup                                  | backup_date             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_wprm_analytics                               | type                    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_wprm_analytics                               | meta                    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_wprm_analytics                               | visitor_id              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_wprm_analytics                               | visitor                 | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_wprm_ratings                                 | ip                      | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | permalink               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | permalink_hash          | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | object_type             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | object_sub_type         | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | title                   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | description             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | breadcrumb_title        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | post_status             | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | canonical               | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | primary_focus_keyword   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | twitter_title           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | twitter_image           | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | twitter_description     | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | twitter_image_id        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | twitter_image_source    | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | open_graph_title        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | open_graph_description  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | open_graph_image        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | open_graph_image_id     | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | open_graph_image_source | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | open_graph_image_meta   | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | language                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | region                  | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | schema_page_type        | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_indexable                              | schema_article_type     | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_migrations                             | version                 | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_primary_term                           | taxonomy                | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_seo_links                              | url                     | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_buxw_yoast_seo_links                              | type                    | 0            | PHP  |
Success: Made 0 replacements.
schlessera commented 3 years ago

I'll have to examine this in more detail to know for sure, but at first glance, the regex is too greedy.

As an example, for this command:

wp search-replace 'yummytoddlerfood\.com\/recipes\/birthdays\/(.*)\/' 'yummytoddlerfood.com/\1/' --regex --skip-columns=guid --before_context=0 --after_context=0 --log=birthdays6.log --dry-run

So, \/(.*)\/ means "match everything between the first and the last slash". The .* includes other slashes in between, separators, quotes, etc...

blogtutor commented 3 years ago

@schlessera I think you're right about the greedy regex. Thanks for helping me clarify in Slack this morning. Tinkering with regex101.com, I think this might be a better way to go:


This seems to capture the slug properly, whether there's a trailing slash or not (since the user may have not included it when they added the link).


I also just ran this search-replace (below) on another site and it worked fine -- running a second time didn't catch any other replacements.

wp search-replace 'https://domain.com/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/' 'https://domain.com/' --regex --skip-columns=guid

@jcatello I actually don't think I've seen the issue before on non-regex runs. I wonder if something was timing out, or hitting a limit, on the example you posted above? I noticed that many of the replacements stopped at 1000 or 2000...which seems a bit unusual. I wouldn't think they would be in round numbers if it were the same issue of just one replacement per database field?

mkopala commented 2 years ago

I've seen this issue pop up twice now on two different sites, without using the --regex option. We are not using --precise.

First time was a month or two ago. Which was after the 2.5.0 release that added the chunked handling.

Second time was today. I had to run the search & replace on the site twice manually after our platform performed the automatic run, to get the remaining replacements. Same thing a month or two ago.

@jcatello and @blogtutor : For your output dumps, try the --report-changed-only option. SO much easier to read. :wink:

@schlessera Any word on when this will make it into a full WP CLI release? Our system automatically updates WP CLI across our servers with the latest PHAR package, and I was hoping to not have to hack in something or make a custom build just to update just this command.

mkopala commented 2 years ago

Here are the search & replace results from today for the three passes.

First unformatted screenshot is from our log, second two from the manual search & replace I ran via our dashboard tool, which just runs wp --skip-plugins --skip-themes search-replace --all-tables --report-changed-only ... and captures and displays the output.

I also notice in the first two runs the replacement counts for wp_posts -> post_content are an even multiples of 1000 and only for replacements of the PHP type (not for SQL replacements), which matches up with what Andrew observed & what shows up in the output from both @blogtutor and @jcatello.


