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Shipping & tax at checkout #1237

Open brunorioch opened 10 years ago

brunorioch commented 10 years ago

Just set up a brand new install, with only the latest (3.8.14) wpec plugin installed. http://brandnew.brandnewthinking.co.uk if you want to try

A few issues with checkout …


Only 1 target market selected (UK) and 1 base country (UK) (as an aside, Is there any need for a shipping calculator to appear if only 1 target market country selected, that would be much better than having to hide it with css.)

Now there is an additional 'State (called County here)' field next to country which is unnecessary on the UK. I know I can get rid of it by unchecking in the checkout but that's a bit convoluted and then I'm left without a 'State' field which is used on a lot of address forms here. It also doesn't work without a 'State' field anyway. It's now impossible to calculate shipping because of this 'State' field all I get is the Sorry, shipping quotes could not be calculated message


Tax (currently set as inclusive) isn't working at all. Tried all other settings and doesn't seem to work at all. Although it will work sporadically if the billing form is filled in and billing same as shipping is checked.

That's it for now.

brunorioch commented 10 years ago

Also wasn't the gravatar removed previously?

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

@brunorioch thanks for the quick feedback.

The release also includes a feature the change the region label automatically, we can update the database to show "County" as the label in UK if that is the right thing to do?

Working on replicating the problem of not being able to get through checkout without state selected in checkout configuration now.

brunorioch commented 10 years ago

@JeffPyeBrook Yes County would be best for UK. Everything else looks excellent so far

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

Only 1 target market selected (UK) and 1 base country (UK) (as an aside, Is there any need for a shipping calculator to appear if only 1 target market country selected, that would be much better than having to hide it with css.)

Completely agree on this, there are several other issue reports about adjusting the checkout flow to either not have a shipping calculator, or present it in a manner that works a little better in the user flow. I haven't tried it with the official release, but it may even be possible to omit the shipping calculator entirely from the theme file.

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

@brunorioch any chance you can take a quick screen capture of your taxes setup page and post it here. It might make finding the taxes issue a little bit easier

brunorioch commented 10 years ago

@JeffPyeBrook here you are, although I've tried it in a few different ways and still doesn't calculate, presumably because there's no shipping 'set' at that point. If I clicked billing same as shipping it did calculate at one point. screen shot 2014-05-02 at 11 35 16

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

@brunorioch thank you!

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

Confirmed that the UK field now says County as of #1238. @JeffPyeBrook or @brunorioch, can you confirm that the main issue regarding shipping calculation is resolved as of #1247?

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

@JeffPyeBrook So I was attempting to test this issue out to see if it was resolved. Initially, I had USA set as the base country and sole target market, then I changed it to UK.

When I went to change the base_country to UK, I noticed it did not actually change it, it remained USA.

I've narrowed it down specifically to this change --> https://github.com/JeffPyeBrook/WP-e-Commerce/commit/a97e6a57d133d01cd7b7b0a853155919dadc1854#diff-7159197cde292023a5b4fd5b73a54031R639

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

The base country is not changing in admin? or is it checkout that isn't changing?

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

It's the base country. I'm using an object cache backend, which may matter.

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

Also, I have confirmed that the original posted issues do still persist.

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

Also, when UK is selected, I notice that the input field for the shipping calculator still says State.

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

I will do another PR to update the placeholders on the HTML edit elements

brunorioch commented 10 years ago

Yes it looks like the field still says State, although in my opinion that field shouldn't even be there as in 3.8.13

ace-dent commented 10 years ago

I've been running WPEC for a few years, predominately selling in the UK. Customers seem quite happy to enter County as an address line, with 'State' being hidden... @brunorioch +1 on removing to match anticipated UX.

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

Hi @brunorioch,

The logic, as I understand from @JeffPyeBrook, with the region being in the shipping calculator is that it will only show there if the shippingstate field is part of the checkout process.

@JeffPyeBrook Can you elaborate a bit on the necessity of the region text field here? I suppose in my mind, it makes good enough sense to check A) If we're using an external shipping calculator. If so, I get it, rates need to be calculated with a proper region, and B) Check if the country has regions, if so, use the dropdown as expected.

I don't know that this particular UX oddity is necessary to change for The big thing I want to confirm with you, @brunorioch, is that taxes are working as expected. I also had some issues with taxes, but they seem to be working as expected for me now.

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

A screenshot: http://cl.ly/image/3p2603191M0w

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

Reopening, actually, and milestoning for 3.9 for a review on the shipping calculator.

brunorioch commented 10 years ago

Hi @JustinSainton Yes looks like tax calculator is working (just uploaded

From a UK (and no doubt other countries) there's no point having a 'State' field at that point, although you would probably want a 'State' field in the checkout form. This used to be the case so no reason to change it. I know I can remove it by removing it from the checkout fields but that's an extra step I now have to take (and no doubt retrofit) rather than it working as before.

Personally I'd like to see the whole shipping calculator hidden/removed if I'm only using one country with the same target market. I've had to remove it from every UK site I've built using wpec. Perhaps for 3.9.

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

Great, thanks for the feedback, @brunorioch!

I think that makes a load of sense and will have @JeffPyeBrook take a look at that for 3.9.

leewillis77 commented 10 years ago

Just my 2p. While I know of plenty of people who use UK as a single country with the same shipping for the wwhole country, let's not fall into the trap of thinking that's the only scenarion. I know plenty of people who split the UK into regions and have different rates for different regions.

Short term, having the state text-entry box in the calculator when it didn't appear previously is a change, and a little confusing - @JustinSainton and I discussed that a little last night.

Long term I think the shipping calculator should include only fields that, and any fields that the active shipping modules request (A more generalised case of the $needs_zipcode property if you like).

That way modules can request the info they need to be collected up front, whatever it is, and the calculator will show only that.

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

@JeffPyeBrook Also, for 3.9, we should look at defaulting to the proper country if there is only one target market selected.

brunorioch commented 10 years ago

True about @leewillis77 and regions, although presumably they would be instead of the State field. Indeed in the past I've used Lee's Premium Shipping plugin to add regions. In the scenario where regions are used in which case if I had to add my County then choose a region that would be even more complicated. The more I look at it I wonder about the need for the Calculate button at all. Why can't I just select my country, then state if appropriate then I'm shown the tax calculation and shipping options based on that selection. Is there a need to click Calculate at all?

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

@brunorioch As of 3.8.14 there isn't any reason to have the calculate button, it is redundant in the truest sense of the word. The path for as shopper trying to get around using correct shipping quotes is removed. Hiding the calculator with CSS or removing it entirely from the template should be fine.

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

The logic, as I understand from @JeffPyeBrook, with the region being in the shipping calculator is that it will only show there if the shippingstate field is part of the checkout process.

thanks @JustinSainton For this release it pretty much a necessity as we don't yet have fine grained control for the shipping modules to tell the checkout page which fields they need. We only have the checkout configuration that the store admin uses to set visibility. For this release we have to rely on the store administrator. .

brunorioch commented 10 years ago

On Jigoshop there is an option to enable the Shipping Calculator on cart. For single market sites with fixed rates this would be a nice option. screen shot 2014-05-12 at 21 19 43

JeffPyeBrook commented 10 years ago

Not only an option, but a hook so themers can completely customize the calculator

JustinSainton commented 10 years ago

Right, yeah, I'd actually prefer to avoid an option here altogether. Programmatically, this is low-hanging fruit with regards to determining necessity.