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Tweak/Update the Product categories widget for TeV1 #2358

Open mihaijoldis opened 6 years ago

mihaijoldis commented 6 years ago

From customer messages.

3. The WPEC Product Categories widget is disappointing and unacceptable. 
A. Widget Options: Displays ALL of the Parent Categories - has this option at the end: (leave all unchecked if you want to display all) - That makes absolutely no sense! The Box Options below the list of Parent Categories are: (1) Use Category Grid View (2) Show Thumbnails - I tried BOTH and both options are total garbage - OMG! Box Options SHOULD be: (1) Show Sub-Categories (2) Drop-down Menu (3) Show Product Count Numbers 
B. ONLY sub-categories show that there are products - Parent categories that do not have sub-categories, such as: Clothing, Magick Wands, Clocks, Rune Sets, Novelty & Gifts, Dream Catchers, Tapestries & Curtains, Wall & Window Hangings, Windchimes, etc. that don't have sub-categories sit there as if there is nothing published in them. IF Parent categories were aligned and shown with NO sub-categories - it would look much more professional. A fix for this would be: If a customer chose a Parent category then any sub-categories should drop-down for selection.  
C. The alignment looks totally amateur. Parent Categories should all be aligned left, and sub-categories should have a consistent instep. As it is, they are all over the place and the spacing between them looks terrible! 
D. I have asked where the css is to be found for the the WPEC widgets, but you have ignored my question. The parent categories should also be a darker color than the sub-categories - where can colors be managed?
E. There should be a drop-down option for the widget. As it is, once we have all products added people will have to scroll to China to get to the footer. This is completely unacceptable for any website!