wp-graphql / wp-graphql-woocommerce

Add WooCommerce support and functionality to your WPGraphQL server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Setting amount of products in pagination not working #827

Open YishaqG opened 6 months ago

YishaqG commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug Using query products setting first misbehaves not always returns the requested amount of elements.

To Reproduce

  1. Query products with first > 10

Expected behavior Returns the set amount

Plugin Versions WooGraphQL Version: 0.18.3 WPGraphQL Version: 1.19.0 WordPress Version: 6.4.2 WooCommerce Version: 8.3.1

YishaqG commented 5 months ago

Just tested with v0.19.0 and having the same issue with pagination


  products(first: 19) {
    nodes {


  "data": {
    "products": {
      "nodes": [
          "databaseId": 34738
          "databaseId": 34732
          "databaseId": 34731
          "databaseId": 34727
          "databaseId": 34711
          "databaseId": 34710
          "databaseId": 34709
          "databaseId": 34708
          "databaseId": 34707
          "databaseId": 34696
          "databaseId": 34695
          "databaseId": 34694
          "databaseId": 34693
          "databaseId": 34692
          "databaseId": 34687
          "databaseId": 34686
          "databaseId": 34684
  "extensions": {
    "debug": [],
    "queryAnalyzer": {
      "keys": "82302315334ebe38740cc222092d11bc4494c3b877822def18dc0fe76841bcac graphql:Query operation:NewQuery list:variableproduct list:externalproduct list:groupproduct list:simpleproduct list:simpleproductvariation",
      "keysLength": 204,
      "keysCount": 8,
      "skippedKeys": "",
      "skippedKeysSize": 0,
      "skippedKeysCount": 0,
      "skippedTypes": []
claudio-uey commented 5 months ago

Same issue here

claudio-uey commented 5 months ago

Any update on this issue?

kpoelhekke commented 3 months ago

I've been able to track this down to these lines of code:

$model = $this->get_node_by_id( $id );

if ( true === $this->is_valid_model( $model ) ) {
    $nodes[ $id ] = $model;

here: \WPGraphQL\Data\Connection\AbstractConnectionResolver::get_nodes

Somehow some products aren't a valid model and those get filtered out. Unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out why. Hope this helps on finding a solution, I'm currently blocked from updating from 0.12.1 because of this.

MonPetitUd commented 3 months ago

I encountered something similar and found that unpublished products i.e. draft products were consuming the "first" limit but not actually being returned, adding where: { status: "PUBLISHED" } to the query seemed to do the trick for me.

kidunot89 commented 1 month ago

@MonPetitUd @kpoelhekke @claudio-uey @YishaqG Do you guys have Enable Unsupported Types setting activated? Does it make a difference in the result count?

MonPetitUd commented 1 month ago

@kidunot89 I don't be that setting was enabled when I encountered this issue.

kpoelhekke commented 1 month ago

@kidunot89 here toggling that setting doesn't have any effect. The query:

query NewQuery {
  products(first: 48, where: {typeIn: [GROUPED]}) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {
      offsetPagination {

returns 47 items with the setting on and off.

kpoelhekke commented 4 weeks ago

I found the culprit: there seem to be some grouped products in our webshop that don't have simple products attached to them. Because of that they are not a valid model and they are excluded from the results. So it's a problem that can be solved on our side.

Although I would expect that the is_valid_model check would also affect the total results and the pagination. But that might be in issue with wp-graphql itself.