wp-media / backwpup

BackWPup - WordPress Backup Plugin
GNU General Public License v2.0
88 stars 36 forks source link

3.6.10: Updated Amazon AWS SDK for S3 services is using too much memory. #105

Closed robgeorgeuk closed 3 years ago

robgeorgeuk commented 4 years ago

See: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-is-exhausting-total-server-memory-uploading-to-s3/

This issue exists in all versions since 3.6.10. Please consider updating the AWS SDK to resolve this issue.

cuongdcdev commented 4 years ago

@robgeorgeuk Please help us try the new version which fixed S3 thank you so much! https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcd4p5tr37m1ivc/backwpup-1474.zip?dl=0 Looking forward to hearing new feedback from you ^^

robgeorgeuk commented 4 years ago

@cuongdcdev Thanks for your quick response and updated plugin but sadly it didn't fix the issue. For clarity, this issue doesn't occur on 3.6.9 but it does on 3.7.1 and the new version that you have linked above. I've attached my anonymised log file. BackWPUp.log

cuongdcdev commented 4 years ago

@robgeorgeuk hmm, can you help me to increase the max memory limit to 512mb then try again? Thanks!

robgeorgeuk commented 4 years ago

@cuongdcdev I can try, below are the memory values, the PHP Memory Limit is set by the host I believe.

PHP Memory limit | 255M WP memory limit | 512M WP maximum memory limit | 512M

The backup job still fails as before :-(

cuongdcdev commented 4 years ago

@robgeorgeuk which s3 destination did you running?, also, can you change the PHP mem limit to about 512mb first then try again?

robgeorgeuk commented 4 years ago

@cuongdcdev Sadly I have no access on this host to increase the PHP Memory limit :-(

cuongdcdev commented 3 years ago

@robgeorgeuk Could you please help me test the new path? Just override the content of wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-s3.php with the one here: https://gist.github.com/cuongdcdev/6a751d4312f8e6ac056294ee638cb71b


robgeorgeuk commented 3 years ago



Sadly the backup still failed but I think it's a different error. I've attached the log.


cuongdcdev commented 3 years ago

@robgeorgeuk thank you for testing, please help me test this instead: https://www.dropbox.com/s/58cskckxg6ark65/backwpup_mem_leak..zip?dl=0 just download then install the patched version of BWU. then run again. Thank you so much!

cuongdcdev commented 3 years ago

The issue closed because I got no response for a long time.