wp-media / backwpup

BackWPup - WordPress Backup Plugin
GNU General Public License v2.0
88 stars 36 forks source link

Problem with libzip with a lot off large files #123

Open unclesamwk opened 1 year ago

unclesamwk commented 1 year ago


in the default setting for a new backup job the zip module is used. It closes the zip file every 20 files and opens a new one and adds the next 20 files at the end. A temporary file is created as a copy of the original one and then the new data is added. The behavior is also libzip so wanted however with large files very much write load, partially over hours, is generated. In the operation of many wordpress websites, this is unfortunately not optimal. If you use e.g. tar for the backups, we do not notice the behavior. I suspect that many other users also find this behavior. Would it be possible to change the default setting to tar when creating new jobs?


greetings Sam