wp-media / backwpup

BackWPup - WordPress Backup Plugin
GNU General Public License v2.0
88 stars 35 forks source link

more translations #25

Closed matheuswd closed 9 years ago

danielhuesken commented 9 years ago

For translation you can use http://translate.marketpress.com/ register on http://translate.marketpress.com/sign-up/

pedro-mendonca commented 9 years ago

Hi @danielhuesken I'm doing a new translation for BackWPup also, it does not exist in http://translate.marketpress.com/ As I'm doing it with Poedit, maybe I can first make a PR here in GitHub before going to the translate site, it's easier to start than rewrite it all over again in the site. Does Glotpress allow .po files upload?

danielhuesken commented 9 years ago

Hello, yes GlotPress allows .po files to upload. Give me the locale that you need and i will create it.

WordPress.org allows now translations for BackWPup too. https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/backwpup/dev

pedro-mendonca commented 9 years ago

I've already registered a few minutes ago, and included the pt_PT (Portuguese european) locale on the language.

pedro-mendonca commented 9 years ago

I didn't knew that WordPress plugins translation where already online. Still, on WordPress I can't upload any .po as far as I can see. What would be the best workflow for translating this plugin? WordPress site or translate.marketpress?

danielhuesken commented 9 years ago

The problem in moment is the PRO version on Marketpress all strings including the pro avale. On wp.org i thnk that are only the free strings. In moment the best for us is the translation on Marketpress and we will add them to BackWPup. In future will can hopfuly improve this.

pedro-mendonca commented 9 years ago

ok, I'll keep using translate.marketpress, but how can I upload a .po file there to avoid pasting it string by string?

pedro-mendonca commented 9 years ago

Would you mind if I make a first PR here at github and than keep updating via translate.marketpress? Sorry about keep commenting on this thread.

danielhuesken commented 9 years ago

Send the files to me with mail. I will add them for the moment.

danielhuesken commented 9 years ago

Can you check if you have on bottom of the page a import link. http://translate.marketpress.com/projects/plugins/backwpup-pro/pt/default

pedro-mendonca commented 9 years ago

Yep, I do have now! :+1:

pedro-mendonca commented 9 years ago

I have a .po file fully updated with sources with just 885 strings, but the .pot and glotpress have 1174. Is glotpress and .pot synced with current code?

danielhuesken commented 9 years ago

Yes with the Pro version. The Pro version hase some more strings. but we can use the same translation files for free and pro

pedro-mendonca commented 9 years ago

Ok, I'll update the .po with the current .pot. Thanks :)

pedro-mendonca commented 8 years ago

Hi @danielhuesken

I'm almost finishing the free version translation, missing just 5 strings on translate.wordpress.org. I have some doubts on a few strings that you might explain to me.

What is this? "Empty output on working" I didn't understand even with the explanations in "Enable an empty Output on backup working." and "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."

Another that I don't understand the context is "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s " and "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s ".

Some strings that I believe would need a cleanup because they're hard to read: "WP Export file can not checked, because no XML extension loaded with the file can checked." "Is your blog protected with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess)? Or did you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php than use the authentication methods below"


danielhuesken commented 8 years ago

Can you give mir your wordpress.org account. Than i can let add you as Translation Editor.

"Empty output on working" is a spcial stting that produces an output with a spaces while a job running. In some cases it prevents job aborts.

The next strings are DB Table backup related and will only displayed on errors.

For the rest fell free to commit a better text ;)

pedro-mendonca commented 8 years ago

Hi, Thank you, I'm already a Translation Editor (https://profiles.wordpress.org/pedromendonca/) and I've been pushing the translation of BackWPup also on WordPress https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/pt/default/wp-plugins/backwpup, and as there are only 5 strings left, I really want to translate it so people can get the translation automatically, I believe this only happens when it gets to 100% transtated.

About the "Empty output on working", when you say spaces, do you mean small amounts of time in between? or spaces in the outputed report text? Still don't quite understand it to translate it.

About the DB Table backup related strings, what are "Start" and "Lenght" of the tables? I've googled around on mysql properties but didn't found anything conclusive.

About the strings cleanup, before pushing I would like to confirm if the meaning is correct. Are they correct like this?

"WP Export file can not checked, because no XML extension loaded with the file can checked." "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."

"Is your blog protected with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess)? Or did you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php than use the authentication methods below" "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, than use the authentication methods below."

danielhuesken commented 8 years ago


yes, only 100% translated will be delivered.

"Empty output on working": Its not easy to explain! With that option on backup process will be every secound some spaces send to the "Browser" that can prevent aborts of the backup script. Also on some hoster it can produce aborts.

"Start" and "Lenght" are internal pointers, BackWPup looks how many rows in a table an save the position it is working on.

Yes, both correct. But i will impliment tham with an later update.

pedro-mendonca commented 8 years ago

Ok, thanks. I've completed the free strings 100%, pulling to http://translate.marketpress.com/projects/plugins/backwpup-pro/pt/default and https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/pt/default/wp-plugins/backwpup in a minute.

I'll pull here the modified strings also. Thanks for your support.

danielhuesken commented 8 years ago

I have now change the string in ouer development so that sy came with the next update.

We have to say thanls for your work.

pedro-mendonca commented 8 years ago

You're welcome :+1: I think your plugin is so good that it's worth all the effort to translate a thousand strings :) For the Pro version I can't understand the context of some of them, maybe in a near future! :)

pedro-mendonca commented 8 years ago

Hi again @danielhuesken, I'm positive that this might not be the correct place to question you about some strings translation, but as we've already discussed some before, I'll write it againg here just too keep it all in one place.

I'm trying to complete the rest of the Pro strings, but as I don't have it it's a difficult to check the strings context. Still, I've tryied to complete it all. I have some doubts in two last strings that I must ask you about it's meaning, as they look a bit ambigous.

Dump database create view "%s" Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)

Can you please explain it a bit so that I can translate it without any errors?

danielhuesken commented 8 years ago

Hi, we currentli working on making some texts better to understand. If we are ready i will push it to wordpress.org dev version.