wp-media / backwpup

BackWPup - WordPress Backup Plugin
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Admin Menu Image is not displaying properly in MP6 #6

Closed Zodiac1978 closed 10 years ago

Zodiac1978 commented 10 years ago

If you have installed the new Admin Design Plugin MP6 there is glitch with the admin menu image. You can see the problem in the screenshots (normal/hover):

bildschirmfoto 2013-11-13 um 17 49 54 bildschirmfoto 2013-11-13 um 17 49 41

bueltge commented 10 years ago

Ab WP 3.8 bzw. MP6 handelt es sicher um ein Font, Dashicons.

@danielhuesken Dashicons kannst du damit testen: https://github.com/bueltge/WordPress-Admin-Style Außerdem hilfreich: http://hofmannsven.com/2013/laboratory/wordpress-dashicons/

danielhuesken commented 10 years ago

The icon font is now included.

danielhuesken commented 10 years ago

done with 2af7a559cc780aa80e7a2290e031a1cc1339725b