wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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Restore Retina Support (via WP Retina 2x, aka Perfect Images, plugin compat) #656

Open iCaspar opened 2 years ago

iCaspar commented 2 years ago

This is to restore basic compatibility with the Perfect Images (formerly "WP Retina 2x"), enabling Imagify to process the retina images generated by Perfect Images, and also re-optimizing images when the Perfect Images "Regenerate Thumbnails" feature is used.

NOTE: This PR provides compatibility with the FREE Perfect Images version. Neither the PRO version, nor the new use of Perfect Images Easy IO (EWWW) CDN service are included here.

Context: Compatibility with WP Retina 2x was removed from Imagify in v 1.9 when the "new" architecture and webp was added. See #490. Since that time, WP Retina 2x became "Perfect Images" and implemented several new features, including a Optimization/CDN partnership with EWWW. On the code side, Perfect Images now uses the WP_Rest API instead of AJAX to initiate functionality.

Coding Considerations: Previously, we attached hooks to WP Retina 2x AJAX hooks, passing our own nonces, etc. With the new Rest API approach, Perfect Images defines each endpoint with its own validation, per the WP endpoint definitions. We hook into the Perfect Images functionality after requests have already been checked and retina processing is already started.

The 3 PI processes we are interested in are: Retina Generation, Regenerate Thumbnails, and remove retina images.

Other "how it works" considerations: PI has (Pro) functionality to upload/create a "full size" retina image. The thumbnail retina sizes, as opposed to the full-size, are generated, where possible, from re-sizing the full-size image. So ordinarily any thumbnail sizes that have a dimension more than half the full size will not be generated by PI, the adequate resolution to create the thumbnail not being present. By (pro) uploading an original retina full-size, PI is able to generate all the thumbnail sizes from that 2x original. Provided the pro version uses the same hook when generating retinas from the pro @2x original upload, Imagify should still optimize the retina sizes, as well as optimizing the @2x original upload as it would for any other uploaded image. None of this is verified, however, at this time. It would be great if we could reach out to the PI dev to confirm/add Pro compatibility for this and other pro features.

Also, it's probably out of the picture to be compatible with a direct competitor's Optmimzation/CDN service.

Long term, having native retina support in Imagify would be ideal.