wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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Optimization often fails after v2.1 update #707

Closed validatorhq closed 1 year ago

validatorhq commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug We have more than usual reports of failed optimization process (bulk and individual). Our standard debugging process fails and there is no any specific error reported.

The "Optimize" button simply comes back to processed image.

Checking at the Action Scheduler page does not help, as there is no visible error.

To Reproduce It's a bit hard to reproduce, I was not able to do it on 3 of my test sites.

Expected behavior Optimization should be completed, or at least we should get a visible error report so we could act further.


Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 16 59 11 Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 05 51 31 Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 16 58 59

Even though it says the action is complete, no image was optimized.

Additional context The background process run and it is spinning when we check the Bulk optimization page, but if we go back to the Media Library, no image is processed (all of them in this case were whether optimized or have "Optimize" button).

piotrbak commented 1 year ago

@validatorhq To move forward there we need to have access to some sample sites that are experiencing the issue.

markonikolic985 commented 1 year ago

@piotrbak We have a couple of tickets with WP Admin access, waiting for SFTP access as well.

You can check tickets under img gh 707 tag here and see if there is the update from customers with SFTP access.