wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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WordPress 6.3 Image Features #739

Open michaelbourne opened 11 months ago

michaelbourne commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug WordPress 6.3 adds a new fetchpriority attribute as well as aspect ratio controls in Image blocks. As of now, aspect ratio is controlled via inline css on the img tag itself, so it needs to be checked for when creating the picture tag.

Likewise, both the fetchpriority and decoding attributes need to be left on the img tag and not moved to the picture tag.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install WP 6.3
  2. Set an aspect ratio on an image block in Gutenberg.
  3. Add a large image in Gutenberg to trigger the fetchpriority attribute.
  4. Save post. View on front end, inspect the image block. You will see the aspect ratio doesn't work as it has been moved to the picture tag. You will also see the other two attributes moved from the img to the picture tag.

Expected behavior All 3 elements need to remain in the img tag.

Additional context PR #738 created to fix.

michaelbourne commented 9 months ago

Can I get an update on this? While minor, this is a breaking change in WordPress 6.3 and needs to be addressed by this plugin.