wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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Closes #727 Update admin bar upsell #754

Closed Tabrisrp closed 7 months ago

Tabrisrp commented 7 months ago


Update the admin bar upsell block when under 20% of quota

Fixes #727

Type of change

Is the solution different from the one proposed during the grooming?



Generic development checklist

Test summary

vmanthos commented 7 months ago

@Tabrisrp Can you please take care of the conflicts when you have some time? :pray: These came after merging https://github.com/wp-media/imagify-plugin/pull/752.

Also, the $is_monthly isn't set in: https://github.com/wp-media/imagify-plugin/blob/7b51656d42f35dbdbb8b1a8bf2267508cfafc205/classes/User/User.php

and this results in displaying the yearly offer regardless of what the user is using.

Tabrisrp commented 7 months ago

@vmanthos It's updated

vmanthos commented 7 months ago

@Tabrisrp Thank you for the PR.

I can see the toolbar upsell box even when the available quota is >20%: image

Also, for the Infinite plan, the following is displayed: image

These :point_up: are from a real user, i.e. I haven't mocked the response.

Can you please look into this? :pray:

Tabrisrp commented 7 months ago

You're right I forgot one condition in the view, it should be good now