wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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Sometimes image file isnot processed due to permission also other files with same permissions processed #757

Open Mai-Saad opened 7 months ago

Mai-Saad commented 7 months ago

Before submitting an issue please check that you’ve completed the following steps:

Describe the bug Sometimes images with permission 664 arenot processed also other images with the same permissions are processed

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have a folder with some images containing other folder with some images
  2. Add to custom folder in settings page
  3. In bulk page, Imagify all
  4. See error page

Expected behavior Images with the same permission are treated the same way (both gives permission error or both don't give permission error)

Screenshots image1 with same permission 664 and optimized same_permission_and_optimized

image2 with same permission 664 and not optimized not_optimized

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Acceptance Criteria (for WP Media team use only) Clear instructions for developers, to be added before the grooming