wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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Have script & process to easily update the plugin to non-released versions on our test websites #761

Open MathieuLamiot opened 7 months ago

MathieuLamiot commented 7 months ago


Expected outcome Provide the QA team with a process + scripts so that, once they cloned the plugin repo on their test website to the targeted commit, they can:

MathieuLamiot commented 7 months ago

@wordpressfan I assigned you this ticket as it seems you are working on it, based on this Slack thread:

wordpressfan commented 6 months ago


I created a new helper plugin and u find it below:


It's a plugin so plz follow the following steps to make it works:

Build imagify zip file

  1. Make sure that you have the imagify plugin installed in a directory (called imagify or imagify-plugin) beside the directory containing this compile.sh file.
  2. Call the compile.sh file from terminal like
  3. This will compile assets and generate final zip file in your current directory, the file called imagify.zip

Simulate the update process.

  1. Open the file imagify-updater/imagify-updater.php
  2. Change the new version constant IMAGIFY_HELPER_UPDATE_NEW_VERSION to the new version (this should be larger than the currently installed version)
  3. Change the zip url for the new version (that we generated with the above build process and uploaded to any server to get the direct url)
  4. Activate the plugin to see the update notice.
  5. Once finishing update, you can deactivate the helper plugin and you don't need to clear transients here.

Once validated we can add it to our github https://github.com/wp-media/imagify-helpers after validation with @MathieuLamiot

wordpressfan commented 6 months ago

Everything is added here: https://github.com/wp-media/imagify-helpers/tree/master/imagify-updater

@Mai-Saad you can approve this one and move it to Done with your comments (if there are any)