wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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AVIF Support: settings page #772

Closed Tabrisrp closed 5 months ago

Tabrisrp commented 5 months ago

Scope a solution ✅

In views/part-settings-web.php

In views/part-settings-webp-missing-message.php

Estimate the effort ✅

Effort [XS]

Miraeld commented 5 months ago

@Tabrisrp , Umm, when you say

Update the WebP checkbox to Avif checkbox, with new option name, label, described

Do you mean replacing WebP by AVIF or adding a checkbox for AVIF which would result in 2 times approximately the same form elements but with different name (WebP & AVIF)

MathieuLamiot commented 5 months ago

@Miraeld I think it is replacing and not adding a similar form. You can refer to the EPIC card with the product team's specifications: https://www.notion.so/wpmedia/AVIF-Imagify-Plugin-4a870cab6e0d4232a85962f0b4c1c63a?pvs=4#24bc7a3f47764c878aed0e64559f1752 The behavior will change a bit: if AVIF is checked, we generate AVIF. If it is not checked, we generate WebP.

(@piotrbak and @Tabrisrp for confirmation)

MathieuLamiot commented 5 months ago

Could be a nice first issue to keep for Opeyemi

Tabrisrp commented 5 months ago

Indeed we are replacing the existing WebP option with a new one for AVIF

Mai-Saad commented 5 months ago

@Tabrisrp Shall this ticket includes updating the button name from Generate Missing WEBP Versions to Generate Missing Next-Gen Images Versions or it's the scope of another ticket? Currently, it is still WEBP: Screenshot from 2024-01-12 16-00-58 Another thing, if we check the AVIF options and saved, it will be automatically unchecked. Is this out of scope here?