wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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Optimize btn is displayed after click delete generated webp or next-gen in AVIF branch #812

Open Mai-Saad opened 3 months ago

Mai-Saad commented 3 months ago

Before submitting an issue please check that you’ve completed the following steps:

Describe the bug If we uploaded small image that is already optimized then delete webp version, optimize btn is displayed instead of just change delete link to generate link

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. WebP is enabled on trunk or on AVIF branch, the AVIF is off
  2. upload small image like the one attached
  3. check media library
  4. click delete webp image or delete Next-Gen link => optimize btn displayed

Expected behavior When click delete webp or next-gen, switch the link to generate webp or next-gen (as we didn't delete optimized images)

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. images (47) Screenshot from 2024-02-23 11-09-23

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Acceptance Criteria (for WP Media team use only) Clear instructions for developers, to be added before the grooming