wp-media / imagify-plugin

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality.
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Convert text when next-gen > original image update #844

Open Mai-Saad opened 3 months ago

Mai-Saad commented 3 months ago

Before submitting an issue please check that you’ve completed the following steps:

Describe the bug When uploaded image have webp/avif > original image , in media library we see Convert:WebP file is larger than the original image => currently if avif is enabled it changed to Convert:avif file is larger than the original image

Expected behavior Recommend using next-gen instead for consistency but will leave @wp-media/productimagify see what's expected here especially when both webp/avif on

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Screenshot from 2024-03-06 20-17-35

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Acceptance Criteria (for WP Media team use only) Clear instructions for developers, to be added before the grooming