wp-media / wp-rocket-e2e

Playwright E2E testing repo
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LCP: As QA I want to automate the scenario that check LL isnot applied on LCP/ATF images #129

Open Mai-Saad opened 1 month ago

Mai-Saad commented 1 month ago

Scenario: Should exclude LCP/ATF from Lazyload Given: all lazyload options are enabled And: Page template x is added to ATF table When: clear cache And: visit page template x Then: lcp image markup is not written to LL format And: ATF image markup is not written to LL format Note: this test better run to all different templates

Scenario: Should exclude next-gen lcp/atf from LL Given: Imagify is enabled and display next-gen is enabled And: page with images having next-gen avif, webp, avif/webp, no next gen is visited And: LL is enabled at WPR When: clear cache And revisit the page Then: lcp/ATF aren't Lazyloaded in source Note: for further enhancement we can see what other plugins can have next gen and add scenarios or adjust the existing one to loop on those plugins

Khadreal commented 6 days ago

Scope a solution ✅

Given that most steps are already available, this will cover the steps that aren't avaialble

Then: lcp image markup is not written to LL format And: ATF image markup is not written to LL format

To implement this, we should have another function in lcp-beacon-script.ts to check for lazyloaded class in lcp/atf images. We can modify lcp image should have fetchpriority step and make the lcp images available outside the function scope.

Create a new step to install and activate imagify plugin here

Estimate the effort ✅ [S]

jeawhanlee commented 5 days ago