wp-shortcake / shortcake-bakery

A fine selection of shortcodes for WordPress
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Restrict enqueueing scripts to shortcode_ui_loaded_editor action #177

Closed westonruter closed 8 years ago

westonruter commented 8 years ago

The bakery scripts are getting enqueued on every admin page. The enqueue is failing since the shortcode-ui script is not registered/enqueued except when the editor is added to a page. Query Monitor reports this as a broken dependency.

goldenapples commented 8 years ago

Ah, I've noticed that problem but never bothered to track it down. Thanks for the PR.

goldenapples commented 8 years ago

Confirmed that this removes the "Failed dependencies" warning, but still enqueues the Shortcake Bakery scripts on any page with an editor enqueued. 👍

The build failures are unrelated to this PR, and are fixed in #180.