wp-shortcake / shortcake

Shortcake makes using WordPress shortcodes a piece of cake.
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Decoding of attributes not working #776

Open sathyapulse opened 6 years ago

sathyapulse commented 6 years ago

When we set the encode attribute to any field, the values are encoded and stored in the database but the decode is not working in the post edit screen or the front end. The reason for that is the action register_shortcode_ui is called from https://github.com/wp-shortcake/shortcake/blob/master/inc/class-shortcode-ui.php#L81 and it will hook the filter here https://github.com/wp-shortcake/shortcake/blob/master/inc/class-shortcode-ui.php#L170. The filter is not called every time. It causes issues with decoding.

The PR does not actually solves the problem but it will enable developers to register the filter outside of the plugin. The decode function is not working when we hook it because it uses the private variable to get the shortcodes. The PR changes modifies it to use the function.

goldenapples commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure I understand the problem you're describing.

Are you saying that shortcode_atts() isn't returning decoded data, even when it's called with the shortcode name as its third parameter?

I'd look at the way you're calling shortcode_ui_register_for_shortcode() for that shortcode. If you're only registering the shortcode UI in the admin, you're going to have problems using some of the enhancements Shortcake makes to the core shortcode model - the automagic decoding of encoded attributes is one example.

sathyapulse commented 6 years ago

@goldenapples Yes, the attributes are not decoded even after passing shortcode name as its third parameter.

The function shortcode_ui_register_for_shortcode() is called inside the action hook register_shortcode_ui.

The function filter_shortcode_atts_decode_encoded cannot be called outside of the plugin. I'm trying to call the function like below add_filter( "shortcode_atts_shortcode_name", [ Shortcode_UI::get_instance(), 'filter_shortcode_atts_decode_encoded' ], 5, 3 );

The if statement stops the execution when the filter is registered outside of the plugin https://github.com/wp-shortcake/shortcake/blob/master/inc/class-shortcode-ui.php#L511

CC: @mattheu

goldenapples commented 6 years ago

My question, though, is: how are you registering the shortcode UI? On what hook?

It's true that the register_shortcode_ui hook doesn't get called outside the admin, so if you register your shortcode UI on that hook, you won't get access to the attribute decoder on the front end. You could always register the shortcode UI earlier, maybe on init, and then the attribute decoder should work as you need it to.

Or am I misunderstanding your question?

sathyapulse commented 6 years ago

@goldenapples Yes, I understand what you mean. The shortcode UI function is called in the action hook register_shortcode_ui and I changed it to init the decoding works now. I feel this PR can be merged to master. The PR enables the function to be used outside of the plugin.