wp-shortcake / shortcake

Shortcake makes using WordPress shortcodes a piece of cake.
GNU General Public License v2.0
665 stars 143 forks source link

Check for existence of shortcode ui menu item #812

Closed joeyblake closed 2 years ago

joeyblake commented 4 years ago

Fixes issue #811 where JS error is thrown attempting to add a gallery after clicking “Add Post Element”

goldenapples commented 3 years ago

I haven't run across this bug but the code looks good and I'm happy to merge it if other people are hitting it.

AriannaStory commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that our environment is hitting this issue, and we'd love a merge. :) @goldenapples

goldenapples commented 2 years ago

I'll merge and tag a new release. Thanks for the contribution!

I haven't actively used this plugin in quite a while, but since apparently it's still being used there really should be a new maintainer. Does anyone actively using it want to step up and become a maintainer?