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WPDKConfigurationView #9

Closed gfazioli closed 11 years ago

gfazioli commented 11 years ago

@ynoxia There is a wrong model procedure in this class, as you told to me a few month ago. The problem is that the view contains code for the model. Now I am starting a little refactoring to move this wrong code from view to the model.

gfazioli commented 11 years ago
gfazioli commented 11 years ago

As said before, the current WPDKConfiguration class has an issue related to reset and updated values. It's not possible to patch it in simple way, so I replaced it with a new class structure:

The new Preferences architecture will be introduced with the 1.1.3 WPDK release. For backward compatibility the old Configuration architecture will still be supported but it's deprecated..

The following classes will be deprecated with WPDK v1.1.3:

Introducing WPDKPreferences

The new WPDKPreferences architecture is easier and more flexible than the old configuration. In addition I added a preferences view controller to make easily manage the standard common view. The main difference with the old configuration class model is the post data process: the preferences' main class and its branch now handle the process related to the post data (reset and update). This action is performed at the init of the plugin. This way any changes would be available at the plugin startup phase.

In addition I make easier the subclass process. For instance see below this Maintenance Pro implementation (test):

 * Maintenace Pro preferences model
 * @class           WPXMaintenanceProPreferences
 * @author          =undo= <info@wpxtre.me>
 * @copyright       Copyright (C) 2012-2013 wpXtreme Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * @date            2013-08-20
 * @version         1.0.0
class WPXMaintenanceProPreferences extends WPDKPreferences {

   * The preferences name used on database
   * @brief Preferences name
   * @var string
  const PREFERENCES_NAME = 'wpx-maintenance-pro-preferences';

   * Your own configuration property
   * @brief Configuration version
   * @var string $version

   * Scheduling
   * @brief Scheduling
   * @var WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesScheduling $scheduling
  public $scheduling;

   * Template Configuration
   * @brief Template
   * @var WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesTemplate $template
  public $template;

   * Rules
   * @brief Rules
   * @var WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesRules $rules
  public $rules;

   * Messages
   * @brief Messages
   * @var WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesMessages $messages
  public $messages;

   * Return an instance of WPXMaintenanceProPreferences class from the database or onfly.
   * @brief Get the preferences
   * @return WPXMaintenanceProPreferences
  public static function init()
    return parent::init( self::PREFERENCES_NAME, __CLASS__, WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_VERSION );

   * Set the default
   * @brief Default
  public function defaults()
    $this->scheduling = new WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesScheduling( $this );
    //    $this->template   = new WPXMaintenaceProConfigurationTemplate();
    //    $this->rules      = new WPXMaintenaceProConfigurationRules();
    //    $this->messages   = new WPXMaintenaceProConfigurationMessages();


 * Scheduling preferences branch model
 * @class           WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesScheduling
 * @author          =undo= <info@wpxtre.me>
 * @copyright       Copyright (C) 2012-2013 wpXtreme Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * @date            2013-08-20
 * @version         1.0.0
class WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesScheduling extends WPDKPreferencesBranch {

  const ENABLED     = 'enabled';
  const DATE_START  = 'date_start';
  const DATE_EXPIRE = 'date_expire';

  public $enabled;
  public $date_start;
  public $date_expire;

   * Set the default configuration
   * @brief Default configuration
  public function defaults()
    $this->enabled     = 'n';
    $this->date_start  = '';
    $this->date_expire = '';

   * Update this branch
   * @brief Update
  public function update()
    $this->enabled     = isset( $_POST[self::ENABLED] ) ? $_POST[self::ENABLED] : 'n';
    $this->date_start  = WPDKDateTime::format( $_POST[self::DATE_START], 'YmdHi' );
    $this->date_expire = WPDKDateTime::format( $_POST[self::DATE_EXPIRE], 'YmdHi' );



As you see above, the init method is more simple:

  public static function init()
    return parent::init( self::PREFERENCES_NAME, __CLASS__, WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_VERSION );

To make the whole structure clearer and easier to built classes upon, a branch utility class WPDKPreferencesBranch has been added. This class is not mandatory, but it could be pretty helpful. Remember that any branch must follow a strict interface. For example you need to implement the new update() and defaults() methods.

View and view controller

A new preferences view controller has been added as well. See below for example:

 * Maintenance Pro preferences view controller
 * @class           WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesViewController
 * @author          =undo= <info@wpxtre.me>
 * @copyright       Copyright (C) 2012-2013 wpXtreme Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * @date            2013-08-20
 * @version         1.0.0
class WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesViewController extends WPDKPreferencesViewController {

  const ID = 'wpx-maintenance-tabs';

   * Create an instance of WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesViewController class
   * @brief Construct
   * @return WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesViewController
  public function __construct()
    $scheduling = new WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesSchedulingView();

    /* Create each single tab. */
    $tabs = array(
      new WPDKjQueryTab( $scheduling->id, __( 'Scheduling', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ), $scheduling->html() ),
      //      new WPDKjQueryTab( 'wpx-maintenance-pro-template', __( 'Template', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ), $template->html() ),
      //      new WPDKjQueryTab( 'wpx-maintenance-pro-rules', __( 'Rules', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ), $rules->html() ),
      //      new WPDKjQueryTab( 'wpx-maintenance-pro-messages', __( 'Messages', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ), $messages->html() ),

    parent::__construct( self::ID, __( 'Maintenance settings', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ), $tabs );


   * Used to load Javascript or styles
   * @brief Before load the view
  public static function didHeadLoad()
    wp_enqueue_script( 'wpx-maintenance-pro-preferences', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_URL_JAVASCRIPT .
      'wpx-maintenance-pro-configuration.js', array( 'jquery' ), WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_VERSION, true );


This view controller makes it easier to build tabbed view that feature reset and update buttons. Also, the new WPDKPreferencesView is more light:

 * Maintenance Pro scheduling view preferences
 * @class           WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesSchedulingView
 * @author          =undo= <info@wpxtre.me>
 * @copyright       Copyright (C) 2012-2013 wpXtreme Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * @date            2013-08-20
 * @version         1.0.0
class WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesSchedulingView extends WPDKPreferencesView {

   * Create an instance of WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesSchedulingView class
   * @brief Construct
   * @return WPXMaintenanceProPreferencesSchedulingView
  public function __construct()
    $preferences = WPXMaintenanceProPreferences::init();
    parent::__construct( $preferences, 'scheduling' );

   * Return fields array
   * @brief Fields
   * @return array
  public function fields()
     * @var WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesScheduling $scheduling
    $scheduling = $this->branch;

    $fields = array(
      __( 'Maintenance mode', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ) => array(
            'type'  => WPDKUIControlType::SWIPE,
            'name'  => WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesScheduling::ENABLED,
            'label' => __( 'Enable Now', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ),
            'title' => __( 'If you enable this option the starting and ending dates below will be ignored.', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ),
            'value' => $scheduling->enabled
            'type'  => WPDKUIControlType::DATETIME,
            'name'  => WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesScheduling::DATE_START,
            'label' => __( 'Starting date', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ),
            'value' => WPDKDateTime::format( $scheduling->date_start )
            'type'   => WPDKUIControlType::DATETIME,
            'name'   => WPXMaintenaceProPreferencesScheduling::DATE_EXPIRE,
            'label'  => __( 'Ending date', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ),
            'value'  => WPDKDateTime::format( $scheduling->date_expire ),
            'append' => sprintf( ' <strong>%s</strong>: %s', __( 'Date on server', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ), date( __( 'm/d/Y H:i', WPXMAINTENANCEPRO_TEXTDOMAIN ) ) )

    return $fields;

gfazioli commented 11 years ago


gfazioli commented 11 years ago

@ynoxia See draft here. Closed!