wpaddiso999 / Corazon-de-oro

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Feat: Add a payment for placing the order #14

Open sjiang1 opened 3 months ago

wpaddiso999 commented 3 months ago

User Story: As a user of the online food ordering app, I want the ability to securely make payments when placing an order, so that I can complete transactions seamlessly and enjoy the convenience of online ordering.


Name: Emily Role: Busy Professional Background: Emily relies on the online food ordering app to save time during her busy workdays. She prefers a streamlined checkout process with various payment options to quickly place her orders without any hassle. Business Value:

Increase conversion rates by providing a convenient and secure payment option, reducing the likelihood of users abandoning their carts. Enhance user satisfaction and loyalty by offering a seamless checkout experience, leading to repeat purchases and positive reviews. Generate revenue through online transactions, expanding the revenue stream for the business. Feature:

Integrate a secure payment gateway into the online food ordering app to facilitate transactions. Payment options to include: Credit/debit card Digital wallets (e.g., PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay) Cash on delivery (optional) Tasks:

Research and select a reliable payment gateway provider that supports the required payment options and complies with security standards. Develop backend infrastructure to securely process payment transactions and handle communication with the selected payment gateway. Design and implement the frontend interface for the payment process within the app, ensuring a seamless user experience. Implement necessary security measures, such as encryption and tokenization, to protect users' financial information. Conduct thorough testing to ensure the reliability and functionality of the payment system across different devices and scenarios. Provide clear instructions and error messages to guide users through the payment process and address any issues that may arise. Monitor payment transactions and performance metrics to identify and address any technical issues or potential improvements. Acceptance Criteria:

Users can securely input their payment information within the app interface. Multiple payment options (credit/debit card, digital wallets) are available and functioning correctly. The payment process is intuitive and streamlined, requiring minimal steps to complete the transaction. Users receive confirmation of successful payment and order placement immediately after completing the transaction. Payment transactions are processed securely and comply with relevant regulations and standards (e.g., PCI DSS). In case of payment failures or errors, clear error messages are displayed, guiding users on how to resolve the issue. Users have the option to save their payment information securely for future orders, enhancing convenience for repeat purchases.

sjiang1 commented 3 months ago

timeline: 4/7/2024