wpalchemist / book-sync

Sync your books between WordPress, Goodreads, and LibraryThing
GNU General Public License v2.0
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A few Questions #34

Open RayBB opened 4 years ago

RayBB commented 4 years ago

Hello there,

Thanks for making this project. It looks like it could be quite handy since I'm considering moving from goodreads to librarything but still want to keep my content on both platforms.

As such I have a few questions:

  1. Are there any setup instructions for this? What are the system requirements?
  2. How do you usually interact with this program? Is it through only CLI right now or is the chrome extension in the works?
  3. Are there any bugs or gotchas in syncing between libraything and goodreads?

Again thanks for making this project I hope to be able to use it :)

wpalchemist commented 4 years ago

Hi, Ray!

So..... this is basically a very early work in progress, and life has gotten in the way and I haven't had time to do much with it. At this point, pretty much all you can do with it is use the CLI to import books from LibraryThing to WordPress. It cannot sync between LT and GR, and in fact, the more I have investigated GR's API, the more I think that is never going to be possible. LT's API doesn't have any write capabilities, so you can pull from LT but not push to it.

All you have to do to set it up is install it on a WordPress site that also has the WP CLI installed, and run the CLI command.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

RayBB commented 4 years ago

@wpalchemist thanks for clarifying what features work and what doesn't.

Life happens to all of us just getting LT -> WP working is impressive.

Like you, having a LT <-> GR sync is pretty low priority in my life but would be handy to have.

I would try to contribute to your code but don't know a lick of PHP. If I do end up writing a little sync in another language I'll give you a ping and maybe you can use some of the code.

Thanks again! 👍

wpalchemist commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @RayBB!

Since neither LT or GR have APIs that let you create books, I was thinking of making a Chrome extension that would take all of the information you fill in on one site and then inject it into another with JavaScript. So if you're reviewing a book on LT, it would take whatever value you fill in for the star rating and review fields, and then use val() to stick that same information into the book review form on GR. It would still be clunky and require manual work to add books in both places, but it would save some copying and pasting.