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Criar documentação dos Shortcodes #93

Closed claudiosanches closed 11 years ago

claudiosanches commented 11 years ago

Precisamos documentar os Shortcodes.

Segue alguns exemplos:

<h2 style="text-align: left;">Buttons</h2>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/"]Simple[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary" tooltip="Primary Button" direction="bottom"]Primary[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="info"]Info[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="warning"]Warning[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="danger"]Danger[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="link"]Link[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary" size="lg"]Large[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary" size="sm"]Small[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary" size="xs"]Extra Small[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary" class="btn-block active"]Primary block active[/button]</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary"]With icon [icon type="check"][/button]</p>

<h2 style="text-align: left;">Buttons Groups</h2>
<p style="text-align: left;">[button_group]
[button link="http://wpod.in/"]Simple[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary"]Primary[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="info"]Info[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="warning"]Warning[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="danger"]Danger[/button]
<p style="text-align: left;">[button_group size="lg"]
[button link="http://wpod.in/"]Simple[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary"]Primary[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="info"]Info[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="warning"]Warning[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="danger"]Danger[/button]
<p style="text-align: left;">[button_group type="group-vertical"]
[button link="http://wpod.in/"]Simple[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary"]Primary[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="info"]Info[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="warning"]Warning[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="danger"]Danger[/button]
<p style="text-align: left;">[button_group justified="true"]
[button link="http://wpod.in/"]Simple[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="primary"]Primary[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="info"]Info[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="warning"]Warning[/button]
[button link="http://wpod.in/" type="danger"]Danger[/button]

<h2 style="text-align: left;">Alerts</h2>
[alert type="info"]Info[/alert]

[alert type="success"]Success[/alert]

[alert type="warning"]Warning[/alert]

[alert type="danger"]Danger[/alert]

[alert type="danger" close="true"]Danger with close[/alert]
[label type="default"]Default[/label]

[label type="primary"]Primary[/label]

[label type="success"]Success[/label]

[label type="info"]Info[/label]

[label type="warning"]Warning[/label]

[label type="danger"]Danger[/label]
<h3>Badge [badge]123[/badge]</h3>
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[icon type="arrow-up"]

[icon type="asterisk"]

[icon type="backward"]

[icon type="ban-circle"]

[icon type="barcode"]

[icon type="bell"]

[icon type="bold"]

[icon type="book"]

[icon type="bookmark"]

[icon type="briefcase"]

[icon type="bullhorn"]

[icon type="calendar"]

[icon type="camera"]

[icon type="certificate"]

[icon type="check"]

[icon type="chevron-down"]

[icon type="chevron-left"]

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[icon type="chevron-up"]

[icon type="circle-arrow-down"]

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[icon type="cog"]

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[icon type="dashboard"]

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[icon type="download-alt"]

[icon type="earphone"]

[icon type="edit"]

[icon type="eject"]

[icon type="envelope"]

[icon type="euro"]

[icon type="exclamation-sign"]

[icon type="expand"]

[icon type="export"]

[icon type="eye-close"]

[icon type="eye-open"]

[icon type="facetime-video"]

[icon type="fast-backward"]

[icon type="fast-forward"]

[icon type="file"]

[icon type="film"]

[icon type="filter"]

[icon type="fire"]

[icon type="flag"]

[icon type="flash"]

[icon type="floppy-disk"]

[icon type="floppy-open"]

[icon type="floppy-remove"]

[icon type="floppy-save"]

[icon type="floppy-saved"]

[icon type="folder-close"]

[icon type="folder-open"]

[icon type="font"]

[icon type="forward"]

[icon type="fullscreen"]

[icon type="gbp"]

[icon type="gift"]

[icon type="glass"]

[icon type="globe"]

[icon type="hand-down"]

[icon type="hand-left"]

[icon type="hand-right"]

[icon type="hand-up"]

[icon type="hd-video"]

[icon type="hdd"]

[icon type="header"]

[icon type="headphones"]

[icon type="heart"]

[icon type="heart-empty"]

[icon type="home"]

[icon type="import"]

[icon type="inbox"]

[icon type="indent-left"]

[icon type="indent-right"]

[icon type="info-sign"]

[icon type="italic"]

[icon type="leaf"]

[icon type="link"]

[icon type="list"]

[icon type="list-alt"]

[icon type="lock"]

[icon type="log-in"]

[icon type="log-out"]

[icon type="magnet"]

[icon type="map-marker"]

[icon type="minus"]

[icon type="minus-sign"]

[icon type="move"]

[icon type="music"]

[icon type="new-window"]

[icon type="off"]

[icon type="ok"]

[icon type="ok-circle"]

[icon type="ok-sign"]

[icon type="open"]

[icon type="paperclip"]

[icon type="pause"]

[icon type="pencil"]

[icon type="phone"]

[icon type="phone-alt"]

[icon type="picture"]

[icon type="plane"]

[icon type="play"]

[icon type="play-circle"]

[icon type="plus"]

[icon type="plus-sign"]

[icon type="print"]

[icon type="pushpin"]

[icon type="qrcode"]

[icon type="question-sign"]

[icon type="random"]

[icon type="record"]

[icon type="refresh"]

[icon type="registration-mark"]

[icon type="remove"]

[icon type="remove-circle"]

[icon type="remove-sign"]

[icon type="repeat"]

[icon type="resize-full"]

[icon type="resize-horizontal"]

[icon type="resize-small"]

[icon type="resize-vertical"]

[icon type="retweet"]

[icon type="road"]

[icon type="save"]

[icon type="saved"]

[icon type="screenshot"]

[icon type="sd-video"]

[icon type="search"]

[icon type="send"]

[icon type="share"]

[icon type="share-alt"]

[icon type="shopping-cart"]

[icon type="signal"]

[icon type="sort"]

[icon type="sort-by-alphabet"]

[icon type="sort-by-alphabet-alt"]

[icon type="sort-by-attributes"]

[icon type="sort-by-attributes-alt"]

[icon type="sort-by-order"]

[icon type="sort-by-order-alt"]

[icon type="sound-5-1"]

[icon type="sound-6-1"]

[icon type="sound-7-1"]

[icon type="sound-dolby"]

[icon type="sound-stereo"]

[icon type="star"]

[icon type="star-empty"]

[icon type="stats"]

[icon type="step-backward"]

[icon type="step-forward"]

[icon type="stop"]

[icon type="subtitles"]

[icon type="tag"]

[icon type="tags"]

[icon type="tasks"]

[icon type="text-height"]

[icon type="text-width"]

[icon type="th"]

[icon type="th-large"]

[icon type="th-list"]

[icon type="thumbs-down"]

[icon type="thumbs-up"]

[icon type="time"]

[icon type="tint"]

[icon type="tower"]

[icon type="transfer"]

[icon type="trash"]

[icon type="tree-conifer"]

[icon type="tree-deciduous"]

[icon type="unchecked"]

[icon type="upload"]

[icon type="usd"]

[icon type="user"]

[icon type="volume-down"]

[icon type="volume-off"]

[icon type="volume-up"]

[icon type="warning-sign"]

[icon type="wrench"]

[icon type="zoom-in"]

[icon type="zoom-out"]
[well]Well default[/well]

[well size="lg"]Well large[/well]

[well size="sm"]Well small[/well]
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[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]
[col class="col-md-1"].col-md-1[/col]

[col class="col-md-8"].col-md-8[/col]
[col class="col-md-4"].col-md-4[/col]

[col class="col-md-4"].col-md-4[/col]
[col class="col-md-4"].col-md-4[/col]
[col class="col-md-4"].col-md-4[/col]

[col class="col-md-6"].col-md-6[/col]
[col class="col-md-6"].col-md-6[/col]

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[progress type="danger" value="5"]
[panel type="default"]
[panel_heading]Panel heading[/panel_heading]
Saperet accusam nominati ex usu, et mea omnesque honestatis definitionem, cu vix liber neglegentur. Graeco civibus ius id, cu meliore elaboraret pri. In consul ocurreret eum. Eu solet quaerendum ius, scriptorem efficiantur vim ne. Id quaestio elaboraret cum, deseruisse concludaturque id vis.

No fastidii petentium adipiscing ius, est ut nostro omnesque. Ius at sumo idque repudiare. Est ex liberavisse disputationi, cum tractatos accommodare in. Has te imperdiet interpretaris, per eirmod posidonium ne.

[panel type="success"]
[panel_heading]Panel heading[/panel_heading]
Saperet accusam nominati ex usu, et mea omnesque honestatis definitionem, cu vix liber neglegentur. Graeco civibus ius id, cu meliore elaboraret pri. In consul ocurreret eum. Eu solet quaerendum ius, scriptorem efficiantur vim ne. Id quaestio elaboraret cum, deseruisse concludaturque id vis.

No fastidii petentium adipiscing ius, est ut nostro omnesque. Ius at sumo idque repudiare. Est ex liberavisse disputationi, cum tractatos accommodare in. Has te imperdiet interpretaris, per eirmod posidonium ne.

[panel type="info"]
[panel_heading]Panel heading[/panel_heading]
Saperet accusam nominati ex usu, et mea omnesque honestatis definitionem, cu vix liber neglegentur. Graeco civibus ius id, cu meliore elaboraret pri. In consul ocurreret eum. Eu solet quaerendum ius, scriptorem efficiantur vim ne. Id quaestio elaboraret cum, deseruisse concludaturque id vis.

No fastidii petentium adipiscing ius, est ut nostro omnesque. Ius at sumo idque repudiare. Est ex liberavisse disputationi, cum tractatos accommodare in. Has te imperdiet interpretaris, per eirmod posidonium ne.

[panel type="warning"]
[panel_heading]Panel heading[/panel_heading]
Saperet accusam nominati ex usu, et mea omnesque honestatis definitionem, cu vix liber neglegentur. Graeco civibus ius id, cu meliore elaboraret pri. In consul ocurreret eum. Eu solet quaerendum ius, scriptorem efficiantur vim ne. Id quaestio elaboraret cum, deseruisse concludaturque id vis.

No fastidii petentium adipiscing ius, est ut nostro omnesque. Ius at sumo idque repudiare. Est ex liberavisse disputationi, cum tractatos accommodare in. Has te imperdiet interpretaris, per eirmod posidonium ne.

[panel type="danger"]
[panel_heading]Panel heading[/panel_heading]
Saperet accusam nominati ex usu, et mea omnesque honestatis definitionem, cu vix liber neglegentur. Graeco civibus ius id, cu meliore elaboraret pri. In consul ocurreret eum. Eu solet quaerendum ius, scriptorem efficiantur vim ne. Id quaestio elaboraret cum, deseruisse concludaturque id vis.

No fastidii petentium adipiscing ius, est ut nostro omnesque. Ius at sumo idque repudiare. Est ex liberavisse disputationi, cum tractatos accommodare in. Has te imperdiet interpretaris, per eirmod posidonium ne.


[tab id="lorem" active="true"]Lorem ipsum[/tab]
[tab id="pericula"]Pericula[/tab]
[tab_dropdown title="Voluptua"]
[tab id="consetetur"]Consetetur[/tab]
[tab id="accusata"]
[tab_content id="lorem" active="true"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, duo ad graeci luptatum pericula, paulo audire suavitate duo in, minim graece elaboraret ut has. Possit assueverit ei mel, in dictas equidem tincidunt has. Corrumpit disputationi sit cu, graeci possit appareat usu ad. His impetus suscipit partiendo id, partiendo principes quo cu. Similique scriptorem repudiandae vim at, quem congue discere eam an, vel possim invenire id. Elitr mediocritatem cu pro, mel ne eruditi admodum dissentiet.

Mel ex sint probo omnium. At ius voluptua ocurreret, usu cu omnis consectetuer. Ea sea odio accusata pertinacia. His id causae audire scriptorem.
[tab_content id="pericula"]
Ut eum possim alienum consetetur. Vel dicta impedit nonumes in, et solum postea sadipscing ius, eam tantas voluptua sadipscing at. Eam posse constituam concludaturque eu, an enim meliore gloriatur sit. Facilis gubergren vis te. Doming democritum eos ea. Ei eum magna vidisse nostrud.
[tab_content id="consetetur"]
Mel ex sint probo omnium. At ius voluptua ocurreret, usu cu omnis consectetuer. Ea sea odio accusata pertinacia. His id causae audire scriptorem.
[tab_content id="accusata"]
Discere eam an, vel possim invenire id. Elitr mediocritatem cu pro, mel ne eruditi admodum dissentiet.

Mel ex sint probo omnium. At ius voluptua ocurreret, usu cu omnis consectetuer. Ea sea odio accusata pertinacia. His id causae audire scriptorem.

[accordions id="my-accordion"]
[accordion id="my-accordion" title="Collapsible Group Item #1" active="true"]
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et.

Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
[accordion id="my-accordion" title="Collapsible Group Item #2"]
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et.

Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
[accordion id="my-accordion" title="Collapsible Group Item #3"]
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et.

Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.

[tooltip link="#" title="Mel ex sint probo omnium. At ius voluptua ocurreret, usu cu omnis consectetuer. Ea sea odio accusata pertinacia. His id causae audire scriptorem."]Tooltip defaul[/tooltip]
[tooltip link="#" title="Mel ex sint probo omnium. At ius voluptua ocurreret, usu cu omnis consectetuer. Ea sea odio accusata pertinacia. His id causae audire scriptorem." direction="bottom"]Tooltip with direction bottom[/tooltip]

<h2>Google Maps</h2>
[gmap address="São Paulo" marker="true"]

<h2>QR Code</h2>

[qrcode data="http://wpod.in/" title="Odin Framework"]
claudiosanches commented 11 years ago

No ar http://wpod.in/pt-br/docs/usando-shortcodes/