wpears / groundwater

Groundwater Information Center Map
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Selection Parameters #11

Open rockoncali opened 10 years ago

rockoncali commented 10 years ago

Beautiful application! Just downloaded data from the GIC map, worked marvelously! This is a wishlist item...when I select Data Type > Groundwater Elevation the Selection Parameters adjust accordingly and the Select Period box is grayed out.


As I was looking at the Data Type > Change In Groundwater Level I selected the year I was interested in but it wasn't immediately intuitive that I needed to select a period because there was data on the map already.


I can appreciate not having to go through the entire range of potential periods but perhaps the select season and select period could be gray until I select a year and then they become selectable, alerting the user they should pick a period? :)

wpears commented 10 years ago

So the idea with how it stands now is that data should get on the map as soon as possible. Some people will have a clear picture of what they want and will drill down precisely, others just want to see what we have and they the pretty pictures guide them to look at different things. So if a checkbox is clicked, we show the data right away when the data type is selected.

People focused on Spring change from 2009 to 2012 won't necessarily be bothered by the map live updating as they tweak the parameters, but people who just want to explore will have a much nicer experience.

That said, I could see adding a different form of emphasis on the change period drop down to give it some more weight.

wpears commented 10 years ago

You and your fantastic ilk are pretty much the main target of this application, so things like this matter a lot to me. Thanks very much for the feedback and I'll leave this issue open in the event that either of us comes up with a brilliant solution ^_~