wpengine / phpcompat

WordPress Plugin: PHP Compatibility Checker
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Move to yarn and force resolution of wait-on to safe axios version #332

Open anthonyburchell opened 7 months ago

anthonyburchell commented 7 months ago

This PR moves this repo to using yarn and uses resolutions for the wait-on package which has addressed the dependabot alerts on axios 0.25. With this new resolution for wait-on it forces the axios version to be 1.6 latest which addresses the issues that are not impacting to the production build of this plugin.

This pr also bumps babel core and adds a dev dependency for babel that allows the plugin to build again.

See also: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/56069 https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/56552 https://github.com/jeffbski/wait-on/releases/tag/v7.2.0

to test:

yarn && yarn run build