[13:34:49] Finished 'watch:sass' after 46 ms
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:...\dist\sources.js?7ec9346c08'
at Error (native)
And it's solved only after remove the line
43: file.path = path.join(dir, md5_filename);
Another issue - sometimes I got following situation:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/app/sources.css?525b3c5c4c?525b3c5c4c?525b3c5c4c?525b3c5c4c">
I solved it by changing line:
38: var result = fs.readFileSync(ilist,'utf8').replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(sub_namepath + filename)+'(.*?)((?=\")|(?=\'))', "g"), sub_namepath + md5_filename);
i.e. added to regular expression additional keys
you can check it on /sources\.css+(.*?)((?=\")|(?=\'))/g
with content like
I got following issue:
And it's solved only after remove the line 43:
file.path = path.join(dir, md5_filename);
Another issue - sometimes I got following situation:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/app/sources.css?525b3c5c4c?525b3c5c4c?525b3c5c4c?525b3c5c4c">
I solved it by changing line: 38:
var result = fs.readFileSync(ilist,'utf8').replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(sub_namepath + filename)+'(.*?)((?=\")|(?=\'))', "g"), sub_namepath + md5_filename);
i.e. added to regular expression additional keys'(.*?)((?=\")|(?=\'))'
you can check it on
with content likeThis can help improve the module. Thanks, Max