wpilibsuite / GradleRIO

The official gradle plugin for the FIRST Robotics Competition
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2017 WPILib Update #17

Closed JamieSinn closed 7 years ago

JamieSinn commented 7 years ago

Hey Jaci,

No huge rush, but would you mind updating your repo for the 2017 wpilib updates?

We're currently working off the 2016 version, but we're waiting on the 2017 update for the actual robot code.


PS. I plan to re-write the documentation on how to get started for this year too. I'll probably do it in LaTeX for easier updating and community input.

JamieSinn commented 7 years ago

Coincidentally this is issue 17 - Illuminati confirmed

19lmyers commented 7 years ago

This is somewhat amusing, because I remember that during the 2016 offseason the WPILib repo WA mistakenly returning the 2017 version...

I haven't built a 2017 project yet but shouldn't it be as simple as refreshing the Gradle dependencies?

P1n3appl3 commented 7 years ago

Thanks Jamie, coincidentally I just linked my team's new programmers to your guide on setting up GradleRIO with IDEA.

JamieSinn commented 7 years ago

Basically yes @19lmyers - there's a few other minor things like how #16 comes into play, but it's somewhat like that.

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

I'm in the process of updating now. Unfortunately it's a lot more difficult than just changing the artifact version, as the native libraries have been decoupled from the jar, and adding support for device libraries like the SRX and NavX libraries. This should be ready soon enough, I'm currently working on getting CTRE's SRX libraries available through maven, and then updating the GradleRIO spec.

For 2017, the GradleRIO plugin location will be moved to the official repository (see #11), and the build system extensions specification will be changed. This is a full rewrite to accomodate future versions much simpler

JamieSinn commented 7 years ago

Thank you for everything Jaci!

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

All good. If I have access to an imaged RoboRIO it should be updated by tonight (I need to test deployment, I believe some libraries have changed), if not, tomorrow. This is all going off my timezone (Perth, WA)

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@JamieSinn @19lmyers @P1n3appl3 the repository has been updated. Follow the readme to give it a test and get back to me whether it works or not. If it passes for all of you, I'll push it out as an official release. Please direct any questions to this issue. Closing #16 in favour of this issue

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

Jaci, you're amazing. Thank you for getting to this so quickly! I'll do a test build-and-deploy after work this evening and let you know how it goes.

HeroCC commented 7 years ago

I tried the new version, and I get this error:

12:08:57 PM: Executing external task 'deploy'...

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file 'C:\...\Robot2017\build.gradle' line: 2

* What went wrong:
An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'jaci.openrio.gradle.GradleRIO', version: '2017.0.0']
> Failed to apply plugin [class 'jaci.openrio.gradle.frc.WPIPlugin']
   > Task with name 'build' not found in root project 'Robot2017'.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 0.076 secs
Task with name 'build' not found in root project 'Robot2017'.
12:08:57 PM: External task execution finished 'deploy'.

My build.gradle:

plugins {
    id "jaci.openrio.gradle.GradleRIO" version "2017.0.0"

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'

frc {
    robotClass = 'org.usfirst.frc.teamXXXX.Robot'
    team = 'XXXX'

def robotManifest = {
    attributes 'Main-Class': 'edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase'
    attributes 'Robot-Class': frc.robotClass

dependencies {
    compile wpilib()
    compile talonSrx()

jar {
    from configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
    manifest robotManifest
JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@HeroCC please run with --stacktrace and send me the result, I'll have a look in the morning

cyocom commented 7 years ago

Have you been able to get the wpilibj from the maven repo to work with the 2017 roboRIO? For me, I had to download the eclipse plugin to grab the jar from ~/wpilib post-eclipse plugin install.

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

I hit the same problem as @HeroCC. Here's my stacktrace: log.txt

And here's my build.gradle (renamed for github): build.gradle.txt

Note that I tried it with both plugin syntax variations.

HeroCC commented 7 years ago

OK, here is the stacktrace: https://hastebin.com/kefowihegu.vbs

chrislo27 commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same problem as the others above.

Stacktrace: https://hastebin.com/dovovunuwi.vbs build.gradle file: https://hastebin.com/ukanutujel.scala

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@cyocom following the example, it should link correctly. This is using the 2017 WPILibJ 'athena' package.

@BenBernardCIS @HeroCC @chrislo27 does the problem persist if you change the top of your build.gradle to the following?

plugins {
    id "java"
    id "eclipse"
    id "idea"
    id "jaci.openrio.gradle.GradleRIO" version "2017.0.1"

Note that the version of GradleRIO has been updated to 2017.0.1

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

That takes care of it for me. Thanks!

I do get an error when I try to "Import Project from Gradle" in intellij: Cause: jaci/openrio/gradle/GradleRIO : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

That doesn't seem to be a show-stopper though.

For reference by others, here's my updated build.gradle: build.gradle.txt

19lmyers commented 7 years ago

That's probably because you don't have Java 8 installed.

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

@19lmyers Indeed...I have Java 8 installed, but accidentally selected my Java 7 JVM in the import window. Thanks for pointing that out! It's all set now.

chrislo27 commented 7 years ago

The fix worked, thanks so much! Build worked and it got the dependencies, can't deploy tonight because I don't have the roboRIO with me but I'll report back tomorrow when I get a chance to try it.

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

I am having trouble now getting gradleRIO to pull in cscore...all the other dependencies pulled in fine (ntcore, opencv, etc). Do I need to specify it in my build.gradle?

19lmyers commented 7 years ago

Quick question: Is the build.gradle template majorly different from the old (2016) version for a specific reason?

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@BenBernardCIS I'll take a look shortly. Is gradle panicking or is the IDE just not picking them up?

@19lmyers the general gist of things is still the same (frc { team = "5333" } is an alias for frc.team = "5333"). I split up the gradlerio extension into frc and wpi to more easily accomodate for projects that don't directly depend on WPILib, but depend on other projects that package WPILib (toast modules are an example)

A lot of the old build.gradle is no longer needed thanks to the new plugin support in Gradle 3.2, and the plugin has been moved from my personal maven to Gradle's official repository.

The WPILib dependency isn't linked automatically. This is for a few reasons, but most prominently is that which is mentioned above, and allows for the specifications of wpilibVersion and ntcoreVersion to actually work (they didn't in the old stable versions of GradleRIO due to a race between plugin configuration and buildscript evaluation)

This is mostly trying to converge to GradleRIO-C, which has a better backend overall than the previous versions of GradleRIO for Java, which were written poorly. The new version conforms much more tightly to Gradle's internal model

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

Neither the ide nor gradle see the cscore lib. In the ide, I have all the other libraries listed under External Libraries, but not cscore. When I run a gradlew build, I get a compile error on the line that imports UsbCamera: 22:02:51.672 [INFO] [org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.JdkJavaCompiler] Compiling with JDK Java compiler API. 22:02:52.562 [ERROR] [system.err] C:\...\Robot.java:4: error: package edu.wpi.cscore does not exist 22:02:52.574 [ERROR] [system.err] import edu.wpi.cscore.UsbCamera;

19lmyers commented 7 years ago

On my end, IntelliJ IDEA is only detecting the 2016 version of the library in its dependencies. Gradle works fine, but the IDE is ignoring the Gradle dependencies...

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@BenBernardCIS I can confirm that cscore isn't being found. I will look into this.

@19lmyers it seems to be working correctly for me. Ensure your build.gradle is close to that in the quickstart, and try running ./gradlew cleanIdea clean build idea --refresh-dependencies --rerun-tasks. This will take a while to complete, so grab a coffee or something

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

I may have found the problem...in WPIPlugin.groovy, the wpilibNative block has opencv and cscore swapped: project.dependencies.ext.wpilibNative = { ["edu.wpi.first.wpilibj:athena-jni:${project.wpi.wpilibVersion}", "org.opencv:opencv-jni:${project.wpi.cscoreVersion}:linux-arm", "edu.wpi.first.wpilib:athena-runtime:${project.wpi.wpilibVersion}@zip", "edu.wpi.cscore.java:cscore:${project.wpi.cscoreVersion}:athena-uberzip@zip"] } Or this could be completely unrelated.

19lmyers commented 7 years ago

@JacisNonsense That solved it for me, thanks!

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

I think the cscoreVersion typo is unrelated. It's probably a problem, but not this problem.

FYI, manually adding cscore.jar to my lib folder (and including compile filetree(...etc...) allowed my build to succeeed, so we're off to the races! Thanks for the help...tomorrow I'll try deploying to our rio.

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@BenBernardCIS Good spotting. Although that was an issue, it didn't cause any issues (both cscoreVersion and opencvVersion are + by default). Further down, however, it has come to my attention that cscore doesn't have a non-classifier jar, so the latest commit should fix this issue. Update to GradleRIO 2017.0.2 and rebuild your workspace with ./gradlew cleanIdea idea and you should see cscore and other libraries linked correctly.

BenBernardCIS commented 7 years ago

Yes, that did the trick for me. Thanks again for the quick responses, and the great tool!

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

Before testing deployment, please use version 2017.0.3. It includes fixes for native library deployment

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

Make that 2017.0.4 to include the ldconfig calls to avoid a required restart

timtim17 commented 7 years ago

I'm having trouble deploying the code to the RIO. The roboRIO is running image version FRC_roboRIO_2017_v8. It looks like robotCommand is trying to run /usr/local/frc/bin/netconsole-host, but after ftp-ing into the RIO it looks like that doesn't exist. I also get a message saying that netconsole-host is not a valid file:

11:07:15.505 PM /bin/bash: /usr/local/frc/bin/netconsole-host: No such file or directory

Edit: It looks like as part of the ant build script WPI deploys netconsole-host?

    <deploy-libs libs.name="netconsole-host" libs.basedir="${wpilib.ant.dir}" libs.deployDir="/usr/local/frc/bin">
        <fileset id="netconsole.local" dir="${wpilib.ant.dir}">
          <include name="netconsole-host"/>

Should I just copy it via FTP?

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

Don't copy it just yet, I'll see if I can automate it. Sit tight

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@timtim17 Pull 2017.0.5 and get back to me, that should fix the netconsole issues

timtim17 commented 7 years ago

So, after deploying a basic, Quickstart project, it worked. It looks like after deploying netconsole once, the build fails at the deploy step - the code still works though (stacktrace). However, with a more complex project (navX & talon), Java crashes immediately after teleop is enabled.

 # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: 
 #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb6f314c4, pid=5385, tid=3063166048 
 # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Embedded Runtime Environment (8.0_06-b23) (build 1.8.0_06-b23) 
 # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Embedded Client VM (25.6-b23 mixed mode linux-arm ) 
 # Problematic frame: 
 # C  [ld-linux.so.3+0x94c4]  _dl_rtld_di_serinfo+0x1e4 
 # Core dump written. Default location: //core or core.5385 (max size 2048 kB). To ensure a full core dump, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again 
 # An error report file with more information is saved as: 
 # /tmp/hs_err_pid5385.log 
 # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit: 
 #   http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp 

There's probably something wrong with the way I imported the navX library, and our build.gradle is a mess anyway since we have a whole bunch of other deploy tasks in there for different systems.

Is there a correct way to add the navX library?

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@timtim17 the if I'm correct in saying that the NavX library doesn't require the JNI, it should be a simple case of putting the following in your dependencies { } block:

dependencies {
    compile wpilib()
    compile talonSrx()
    compile fileTree(dir: "<libs directory>", include: "**/*.jar")
timtim17 commented 7 years ago

:+1: That's what I did. After further testing it looks like only certain methods are failing, and I don't think that's GradleRIO's fault. Other than the deploy "failing" every time after netconsole has been deployed once, it looks good. Thank you!

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

Failing each time? I know the build isn't always consistent, but is it always failing after the netconsole deploy?

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, 16:47 Austin Jenchi notifications@github.com wrote:

👍 That's what I did. After further testing it looks like only certain methods are failing, and I don't think that's GradleRIO's fault. Other than the build "failing" every time after netconsole is deployed, it looks good. Thank you!

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JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

I think the issue is that the Java process isn't dieing fast enough. I'll look into it soon. Any logs would help

timtim17 commented 7 years ago

Here's a stacktrace (that's my entire stacktrace, from starting the build to deploying it. there is another stacktrace from Gradle about Task.leftShift(), that's irrelevant). My guess is that it just can't sftp netconsole because it already exists. The code still copies fine.

Also, after doing more work on the navX all the methods work when deploying with the WPI plugin, so it looks like it may actually be a GradleRIO issue. However, I'm not quite sure why they wouldn't work. (Core dump) Edit: For some reason, adding a random line into robotInit() (SmartDashboard.putNumber(Double.MAX_VALUE) to be precise) fixed the problem...?

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@timtim17 with the deploy issue, I'm assuming this is because netconsole itself isn't being killed before the deploy. I will take a look into this tomorrow

As for the java issue, my only observation is an issue with Network Tables. I believe the WPILib plugins and GradleRIO are using the same library versions, so I'm not exactly sure what is going on.

chrislo27 commented 7 years ago

Deploy is not working (2017.0.5).

Stacktrace: https://hastebin.com/asomileqeq.vbs

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@chrislo27 remove the space from your project folder

chrislo27 commented 7 years ago

Works now, thank you!

JaciBrunning commented 7 years ago

@chrislo27 @BenBernardCIS are you guys receiving the same sort of error as @timtim17 when the code is running on the RoboRIO? If possible, I want to determine whether this is a common issue. @timtim17 would you mind linking your code repo?

Masterzach32 commented 7 years ago

I believe I am receiving the same error as @timtim17 stacktrace: https://hastebin.com/udezinijov.bash build.gradle: https://hastebin.com/izadurimuz.cs Hope these can help!

timtim17 commented 7 years ago

Our repo is here. It is a little messy, particularly in the build.gradle file - we have a whole bunch of tasks for a deploy/build system we somewhat started last year, including what appears to be a secondary, unrelated deployRelease task. Those don't appear to matter; I've commented them out before and still seen the same issues.

Edit: If you're referring to the Java/ntcore issue, I'm not sure if that's related to GradleRIO. Although it had to do with the deployed .so files, it fixed itself somehow by adding another random SmartDashboard.putNumber() (specifically putting Double.MAX_VALUE). It may just be an issue with this specific RIO...? However, I don't have access to another RIO right now to confirm it.

timtim17 commented 7 years ago

Also, regarding the Java/ntcore issue, I removed my "magic, nonsensical" line of code that fixed things earlier, and it appears that after deploying, running code that puts values on SmartDashboard causes a crash. However, once the code reboots, it works fine, even after a reboot. However, if I put a SmartDashboard call in robotInit(), it works first time. However, even with that call in robotInit(), SmartDashboard code in an init method (I tested 'autonomousInit()`) crashes (but just for the first time) anyway.

At this point, I'm just confused. It doesn't really make sense why it would crash only if certain things are in certain places. However, I do know that the same navX code (without the SmartDashboard calls) works fine when deployed in Eclipse with the WPI plugin.