wpilibsuite / WPILibPi

WPILib Raspberry Pi images designed for FRC (formerly FRCVision)
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WPILib libraries not available in Python #153

Open sagarreddypatil opened 4 years ago

sagarreddypatil commented 4 years ago

I am trying to put number sliders on ShuffleBoard to tune HSV filter values, and I am doing all of this in Python. However, I get a module not found error while trying to import wpilib.shuffleboard.

PeterJohnson commented 4 years ago

That’s correct. The only Python libraries currently supported are for NetworkTables and CameraServer. With the RobotPy changes for 2020 it may be possible to bring in more.

PeterJohnson commented 4 years ago

Note you can add stuff to shuffleboard in your robot program instead and then read those NetworkTable keys directly in Python.

virtuald commented 4 years ago

RobotPy's shuffleboard stuff isn't working for 2020 yet, but hoping to tackle that this week.