wpilibsuite / WPILibPi

WPILib Raspberry Pi images designed for FRC (formerly FRCVision)
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Missing C++ include files #196

Closed markkassab closed 3 years ago

markkassab commented 3 years ago

When including Timer.h from /usr/local/frc/include/frc, Timer.h attempts to #include frc2/Timer.h, but /usr/local/frc/include/frc2 is missing. If frc2 is copied into place from /usr/src/allwpilib/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc2, then it includes units/time.h which is missing as well.

AustinShalit commented 3 years ago

@markkassab sorry about the delay here. Can you describe your setup and what you are trying to do?