wpilibsuite / WPILibPi

WPILib Raspberry Pi images designed for FRC (formerly FRCVision)
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Add ability to remotely write code on the Romi #204

Open TheTripleV opened 3 years ago

TheTripleV commented 3 years ago

From Discord:

@PeterJohnson : what I would really like to see is a rPi-hosted solution for code+sim+joystick input to a browser so people could code Romi's from a chromebook @TheTripleV : So a vscode server on the pi that chromebooks can connect to for a full dev experience? @PeterJohnson : that would be the dream yes. with simgui via browser support too

A way to approach this:

  1. Install https://github.com/cdr/code-server and set it up to start on boot.
  2. Install the Wpilib extension and find a java/cpp extension that works
  3. Install xpra
  4. Modify the sim gradle task for romi so it launches as xpra start --html=on --start-child=SIM_COMMAND
  5. Create an html page that a. has an iframe of xpra's html page b. sends all data from the html5 gamepad api to the romi over ws