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Add dispatch actions task to ping tools on tag #6755

Closed sciencewhiz closed 1 week ago

sciencewhiz commented 2 weeks ago

Allows automation of tagging of tools on allwpilib tag. Adapted from robotpy

sciencewhiz commented 2 weeks ago

Here's an example of this working: allwpilib: https://github.com/sciencewhiz/allwpilib-dispatch/actions/runs/9558211081/job/26347498473 SmartDashboard: https://github.com/sciencewhiz/SmartDashboard-dispatch/actions/runs/9558587336/job/26347501942

Requires a secret TOOLS_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN PAT with read and write access to contents

sciencewhiz commented 1 week ago

The corresponding PR to tag Smartdashboard is here: https://github.com/wpilibsuite/SmartDashboard/pull/192