wpilibsuite / allwpilib

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Change native builds from Gradle to cmake (tracking issue) #6976

Open PeterJohnson opened 3 weeks ago

PeterJohnson commented 3 weeks ago

The current Gradle-based infrastructure for native builds (C++) is bespoke to WPILib and has limited numbers of people who can maintain it. It also has limitations, e.g. it has no built-in support for transitive dependencies. Major updates will eventually be required to either support C++ modules or if Gradle breaks a major component we rely on--the native infrastructure in upstream Gradle has substantially changed, with the new version not supporting our needs; the old version is still available but could be removed in the future.

We would like to move allwpilib, third-party dependencies such as OpenCV, and robot projects to using build tools that are the industry-standard for their respective languages. Gradle is effectively the industry standard for Java, and cmake is the industry standard for C++. It is explicitly not a goal to transition Java builds to cmake. The complicated part is that Java builds (and potentially other languages in the future) require native build artifacts, and we need to be able to build and distribute native binary artifacts as well. The current approach for this is native Maven artifacts--most likely the easiest path forward would be to continue to use Maven for this purpose. Using Maven would also enable gradual transitions of the multiple components of the system (e.g. allwpilib could transition while robot projects are still Gradle-based). JNI support also requires the cmake build to have at least some Java support in order to build the JNI native components for later Java consumption.

Migrating C++ robot projects to a non-Gradle build system will require additional effort. In particular, a language-agnostic standalone deploy tool will be needed (that can be called from any build system) to discover/verify the target platform, deploy the compiled user program, deploy updated shared libraries, and deploy other user files. Robot projects also need the ability to easily target either a cross-build to the Rio or a local (simulation) build, with seamless IDE integration (e.g. today's "Deploy Robot Code" and "Simulate Robot Code" in vscode). They also need to be able to seamlessly pull required dependencies from local folders when no internet access is available. In addition, a new build system will need to support vendordep files (or something equivalent) for communicating potentially complex native library requirements in a single separate file per vendor, so users don't need to edit build files directly in most cases.

For allwpilib, it is important that the "git clone" build experience for local builds is straightforward. Currently (see https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib#building-wpilib), minimal dependencies are required on all target platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac), and just a single command (gradlew build) will build the entirety of allwpilib from a fresh clone. Supporting cross-builds only requires one additional command (to install the toolchain, which only needs to be done once). Transitioning to cmake for the native build, while maintaining Gradle for the Java build, will require a higher-level build script that builds the native components to artifacts (in the build directory) that Gradle can then pick up. The only new build tool dependency we would want to add would be cmake itself.

TODO for allwpilib:

pjreiniger commented 3 weeks ago

I feel like I must again at least mention that I have bazel set up to build wpilib on the three main OS's for both java and c++, automatically install the 4 toolchains and run cross compilers for all the permutations, stuff to bring in vendor code simply.

I've also experimented with building robotpy completely with bazel with some success, and great success building the other open source vendordeps, including the chroeo suite that uses Rust.

Bazel supports overriding dependencies to point to a different places, including a local copy which can work for offline installs. This is also handy if you are testing wpilib changes against another projects code (like a vendor or a robot project), you can skip all the intermediate build / installs whenever you make a change to the dependency, and build everything in one step.

This is roughly the commands we would need to work with my teams robot in our monorepo. They could easily be wrapped in a VSCode extension, and autodetect the current OS for simulation.

bazel run //y2024/Crescendo:deploy --config=roborio

bazel run //y2024/Crescendo:simulate --config=windows

# To build eveything, which is years of robot projects, Shuffleboard plugins, and python tools.
bazel test //... --config=<whatever>

Other bazel pros:

AustinSchuh commented 2 weeks ago

@PeterJohnson , is there a decent list of the dependencies that are needed?

spacey-sooty commented 2 weeks ago

@PeterJohnson , is there a decent list of the dependencies that are needed?

Dependencies needed for what?

pjreiniger commented 2 weeks ago

allwpilib depends on opencv and libssh (for tools). It used to externally depend on googletest, apriltag, and imgui stuff, but those have recently been vendored into the repository.

spacey-sooty commented 2 weeks ago

It depends on a lot more than that (Jackson etc)

pjreiniger commented 2 weeks ago

I left off all of the java dependencies. In gradle / cmake / bazel those are all far more trivial than c++ deps. But yes, there are a slew of java deps.

PeterJohnson commented 2 weeks ago

We will also be adding external deps for wpical (https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6915), in particular SuiteSparse and Ceres.