I'm trying to characterize our drivetrain. We're running falcon motors on mecanum. When trying to generate the project, the error "Unable to generate project, config might be bad. Details: IndexError("List index out of range")". There's nothing printed to stdin/out, all that is printed is
# Ports for motors
# If doing drive test, treat this as the left side of the drivetrain
"motorPorts": [31, 34],
# Only if you are doing drive (leave empty "[]" if not)
"rightMotorPorts": [32, 33],
# Class names of motor controllers used.
# 'WPI_TalonSRX'
# 'WPI_VictorSPX'
# 'WPI_TalonFX'
# If doing drive test, treat this as the left side of the drivetrain
"controllerTypes": ["WPI_TalonFX"],
# Only if you are doing drive (leave empty "[]" if not)
"rightControllerTypes": ["WPI_TalonFX"],
# Set motors to inverted or not
# If doing drive test, treat this as the left side of the drivetrain
"motorsInverted": [31, 34],
# Only if you are doing drive (leave empty "[]" if not)
"rightMotorsInverted": [32,33],
# Encoder edges-per-revolution (*NOT* cycles per revolution!)
# For the CTRE Mag Encoder, use 16384 (4 * 4096 = 16384)
"encoderEPR": 16384,
# Gearing accounts for the gearing between the encoder and the output shaft
"gearing": 1,
# Encoder ports (leave empty "[]" if not needed)
# Specifying encoder ports indicates you want to use Rio-side encoders
# If doing drive test, treat this as the left side of the drivetrain
"encoderPorts": [31, 34],
# Only if you are doing drive (leave empty "[]" if not)
"rightEncoderPorts": [32, 33],
# Set to True if encoders need to be inverted
# If doing drive test, treat this as the left side of the drivetrain
"encoderInverted": False,
# Only if you are doing drive (set to False if not needed)
"rightEncoderInverted": False,
# ** The following is only if you are using a gyro for the DriveTrain test**
# Gyro type (one of "NavX", "Pigeon", "ADXRS450", "AnalogGyro", or "None")
"gyroType": "NavX",
# Whatever you put into the constructor of your gyro
# Could be:
# "SPI.Port.kMXP" (MXP SPI port for NavX or ADXRS450),
# "SerialPort.Port.kMXP" (MXP Serial port for NavX),
# "I2C.Port.kOnboard" (Onboard I2C port for NavX),
# "0" (Pigeon CAN ID or AnalogGyro channel),
# "new WPI_TalonSRX(3)" (Pigeon on a Talon SRX),
# "" (NavX using default SPI, ADXRS450 using onboard CS0, or no gyro)
"gyroPort": "",
I'm trying to characterize our drivetrain. We're running falcon motors on mecanum. When trying to generate the project, the error "Unable to generate project, config might be bad. Details: IndexError("List index out of range")". There's nothing printed to stdin/out, all that is printed is
And here's the config