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CTRE website migration will break links #1550

Closed sciencewhiz closed 2 years ago

sciencewhiz commented 2 years ago

Posted in the header of the website:

This website is scheduled to be archived as the legacy version of CTR Electronics in December, 2021. At that time purchasing will be disabled and the new CTR Electronics website will be live at ctr-electronics.com. We highly recommend users begin using the new site as early as possible to ease the transition process.

sciencewhiz commented 2 years ago

C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\controls-overviews\control-system-hardware.rst (11 hits) Line 35: The :ref:Power Distribution Panel <docs/software/can-devices/power-distribution-module:Power Distribution Module> (PDP) is designed to distribute power from a 12VDC battery to various robot components through auto-resetting circuit breakers and a small number of special function fused connections. The PDP provides 8 output pairs rated for 40A continuous current and 8 pairs rated for 30A continuous current. The PDP provides dedicated 12V connectors for the roboRIO, as well as connectors for the Voltage Regulator Module and Pneumatics Control Module. It also includes a CAN interface for logging current, temperature, and battery voltage. For more detailed information, see the PDP User Manual <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/PDP%20User's%20Guide.pdf>. Line 44: The Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) is an independent module that is powered by 12 volts. The device is wired to a dedicated connector on the PDP. The module has multiple regulated 12V and 5V outputs. The purpose of the VRM is to provide regulated power for the robot radio, custom circuits, and IP vision cameras. For more information, see the VRM User Manual <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/VRM%20User's%20Guide.pdf>. Line 102: The :ref:Pneumatics Control Module <docs/software/can-devices/pneumatics-control-module:Pneumatics Control Module> (PCM) contains all of the inputs and outputs required to operate 12V or 24V pneumatic solenoids and the on board compressor. The PCM contains an input for the pressure sensor and will control the compressor automatically when the robot is enabled and a solenoid has been created in the code. For more information see the PCM User Manual <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/PCM%20User's%20Guide.pdf>. Line 118: The Talon SRX Motor Controller <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/talon-srx.html> is a "smart motor controller" from Cross The Road Electronics/VEX Robotics. The Talon SRX can be controlled over the CAN bus or PWM interface. When using the CAN bus control, this device can take inputs from limit switches and potentiometers, encoders, or similar sensors in order to perform advanced control. For more information see the Talon SRX User's Guide <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/Talon%20SRX%20User's%20Guide.pdf>. Line 118: The Talon SRX Motor Controller <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/talon-srx.html> is a "smart motor controller" from Cross The Road Electronics/VEX Robotics. The Talon SRX can be controlled over the CAN bus or PWM interface. When using the CAN bus control, this device can take inputs from limit switches and potentiometers, encoders, or similar sensors in order to perform advanced control. For more information see the Talon SRX User's Guide <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/Talon%20SRX%20User's%20Guide.pdf>. Line 127: The Victor SPX Motor Controller <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/control-system/motor-control/victor-spx.html> is a CAN or PWM controlled motor controller from Cross The Road Electronics/VEX Robotics. The device is connectorized to allow easy connection to the roboRIO PWM connectors or a CAN bus. The case is sealed to prevent debris from entering the controller. For more information, see the Victor SPX User Guide <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/Victor%20SPX%20User's%20Guide.pdf>. Line 127: The Victor SPX Motor Controller <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/control-system/motor-control/victor-spx.html> is a CAN or PWM controlled motor controller from Cross The Road Electronics/VEX Robotics. The device is connectorized to allow easy connection to the roboRIO PWM connectors or a CAN bus. The case is sealed to prevent debris from entering the controller. For more information, see the Victor SPX User Guide <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/Victor%20SPX%20User's%20Guide.pdf>. Line 145: The TalonFX Motor Controller <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/talon-fx.html> is integrated into the Falcon 500 brushless motor. It features an integrated encoder and all of the smart features of the Talon SRX and more! For more information see the Falcon 500 User Guide <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/Falcon%20500%20User%20Guide.pdf>. Line 145: The TalonFX Motor Controller <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/talon-fx.html> is integrated into the Falcon 500 brushless motor. It features an integrated encoder and all of the smart features of the Talon SRX and more! For more information see the Falcon 500 User Guide <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/Falcon%20500%20User%20Guide.pdf>. Line 167: The Victor SP Motor Controller <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/Victor-SP-Quick-Start-Guide.pdf> is a PWM motor controller from Cross The Road Electronics/VEX Robotics. The Victor SP has an electrically isolated metal housing for heat dissipation, making the use of the fan optional. The case is sealed to prevent debris from entering the controller. The controller is approximately half the size of previous models. Line 177: The Talon Motor Controller <https://ctr-electronics.com/Talon_User_Manual_1_1.pdf> from Cross the Road Electronics is a PWM controlled brushed DC motor controller with passive cooling. C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\hardware\sensors\accelerometers-hardware.rst (1 hit) Line 53: - CTRE Pigeon IMU <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/gadgeteer-imu-module-pigeon.html> C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\hardware\sensors\encoders-hardware.rst (1 hit) Line 55: Magnetic encoders require no mechanical coupling to the shaft at all; rather, they track the orientation of a magnet fixed to the shaft. The CTRE Mag Encoder <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/srx-magnetic-encoder.html> is a popular option, with many FRC products offering built-in mounting options for it. While the no-contact nature of magnetic encoders can be handy, they often require precise construction in order to ensure that the magnet is positioned correctly with respect to the encoder. C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\hardware\sensors\gyros-hardware.rst (1 hit) Line 13: - CTRE Pigeon IMU <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/gadgeteer-imu-module-pigeon.html> C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\hardware\sensors\serial-buses.rst (3 hits) Line 107: - TalonSRX-based sensors, such as the Gadgeteer Pigeon IMU <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/sensors/gadgeteer-imu-module-pigeon.html> and the SRX MAG Encoder <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/sensors/srx-magnetic-encoder.html> Line 107: - TalonSRX-based sensors, such as the Gadgeteer Pigeon IMU <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/sensors/gadgeteer-imu-module-pigeon.html> and the SRX MAG Encoder <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/sensors/srx-magnetic-encoder.html> Line 108: - CANifier <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/control-system/can-can-canifier-driver-led-driver-gpio.html> C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\software\can-devices\third-party-devices.rst (24 hits) Line 29: - API Documentation (Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_talon_f_x.html>__, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_talon_f_x.html>) Line 29: - API Documentation (Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_talon_f_x.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_talon_f_x.html>) Line 30: - Hardware User's Manual <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/Falcon%20500%20User%20Guide.pdf> Line 31: - Other Resources <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/talon-fx.html#product_tabs_technical_resources> Line 35: - API Documentation (Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_talon_s_r_x.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_talon_s_r_x.html>) Line 35: - API Documentation (Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_talon_s_r_x.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_talon_s_r_x.html>) Line 36: - Hardware User's Manual <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/Talon%20SRX%20User's%20Guide.pdf> Line 37: - Other Resources <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/talon-srx.html#product_tabs_technical_resources> Line 41: - API Documentation (Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_victor_s_p_x.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_victor_s_p_x.html>) Line 41: - API Documentation (Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_victor_s_p_x.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1motorcontrol_1_1can_1_1_victor_s_p_x.html>) Line 42: - Hardware User's Manual <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/Victor%20SPX%20User's%20Guide.pdf> Line 43: - Other Resources <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/victor-spx.html#product_tabs_technical_resources> Line 50: - API Documentation(Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1sensors_1_1_c_a_n_coder.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1sensors_1_1_c_a_n_coder.html>) Line 50: - API Documentation(Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1sensors_1_1_c_a_n_coder.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1sensors_1_1_c_a_n_coder.html>) Line 51: - Hardware User's Manual <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/CANCoder%20User's%20Guide.pdf> Line 52: - Other Resources <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/cancoder.html#product_tabs_technical_resources> Line 56: - API Documentation(Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1sensors_1_1_pigeon_i_m_u.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1sensors_1_1_pigeon_i_m_u.html>) Line 56: - API Documentation(Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1sensors_1_1_pigeon_i_m_u.html>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1sensors_1_1_pigeon_i_m_u.html>) Line 57: - Hardware User's Manual <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/Pigeon%20IMU%20User's%20Guide.pdf> Line 58: - Other Resources <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/gadgeteer-imu-module-pigeon.html#product_tabs_technical_resources> Line 62: - API Documentation (Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1_c_a_nifier.html#ad9a05fae7065d3f39f7bc8a86f15b0a1>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1_c_a_nifier.html#a706308fce1dea96785bf3ac845bafc02>__) Line 62: - API Documentation (Java <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/java/html/classcom_1_1ctre_1_1phoenix_1_1_c_a_nifier.html#ad9a05fae7065d3f39f7bc8a86f15b0a1>, C++ <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/api/cpp/html/classctre_1_1phoenix_1_1_c_a_nifier.html#a706308fce1dea96785bf3ac845bafc02>) Line 63: - Hardware User's Manual <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/downloads/pdf/CANifier%20User's%20Guide.pdf> Line 64: - Other Resources <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/can-can-canifier-driver-led-driver-gpio.html#product_tabs_technical_resources> C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\software\labview\resources\talon-srx-can.rst (2 hits) Line 8: Extensive documentation about programming the Talon SRX in all three FRC\ |reg| languages can be found in the Talon SRX Software Reference Manual on CTRE's Talon SRX product page <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/talon-srx.html#product_tabs_technical_resources>. Line 10: .. note:: CAN Talon SRX has been removed from WPILib. See this blog <https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/frc/blog/2017-control-system-update> for more info and find the CTRE Toolsuite installer here <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/control-system/hro.html#product_tabs_technical_resources> C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\software\labview\resources\using-the-compressor-in-labview.rst (1 hit) Line 10: PCM User's Guide <https://ctr-electronics.com/PCM%20User's%20Guide.pdf> C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\software\pathplanning\robot-characterization\viewing-diagnostics.rst (1 hit) Line 102: Magnetic encoders such as the CTRE Mag Encoder <http://www.ctr-electronics.com/srx-magnetic-encoder.html> and the AndyMark magnetic encoder <https://www.andymark.com/products/am-mag-encoder> are extremely popular in FRC. However, a particular noise pattern has been observed when these encoders are used on robot drives, whose particular cause is not yet known. This noise pattern is uniquely distinguished by significant velocity noise proportional to motor velocity, and is particularly common on the kit-of-parts toughbox mini <https://www.andymark.com/products/toughbox-mini-options> gearboxes. C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Robotics\frc-docs\source\docs\software\support\support-resources.rst (1 hit) Line 15: - CTRE Product Pages <https://www.ctr-electronics.com/control-system.html>__

JCaporuscio commented 2 years ago

If this list is complete I can do a PR this week that updates these links to their respective locations on newsite.ctr-electronics. That will start driving links to the new content, then when we actually do the domain switch there will be a cname in place that redirects 'newsite' back to the root domain so none of the newsite links will break.

Then sometime after the official domain swap anyone who wants (if I don't get to it first) can PR the 'newsite' subdomain out of the links, though this is just a cleanup thing as either form of the link will work.

This way the links will never be broken throughout the migration.

sciencewhiz commented 2 years ago

I did a search for ctr-electronics.com in all rst files. Unless there's other domain names, that should be complete.

I only briefly looked at the new site, but I didn't see things like the PDP manual on it.

JCaporuscio commented 2 years ago

Correct, there's some uploads/links that need to be finished which is one of the reasons the domain switch hasn't happened yet.