wpilibsuite / shuffleboard

A modern dashboard for FRC
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Create tabs for root tables #767

Closed Starlight220 closed 1 year ago

Starlight220 commented 1 year ago

Create tabs based on root tables, not only those inside /Shuffleboard/. This is a prerequisite for #760, and is already rebased on #766. Also removed the default LiveWindow and SmartDashboard tables; these will be created from their NT tables if those exist. (Though an empty LW tab appears to always be created due to the always-present .status/ "hidden" subtable.)

Daltz333 commented 1 year ago

I disagree with creating tabs based on root tables. I think forcing tabs for NT devices such as PhotonVision, LL, and other devices will lead to clutter and annoyance as a user.

I think being able to drag a root entry and create a tab from that is much more useful.

Starlight220 commented 1 year ago

You raise a good point that I haven't thought of.