wpilibsuite / shuffleboard

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Command activation and deactivation buttons do not work properly. #768

Open Tom-ne opened 1 year ago

Tom-ne commented 1 year ago

Hello, we have multiple commands in Shuffleboard. We have encountered an isssue that the button the activates and deactivates the command, almost always does not work on the first try, almost every time we need to press the button more than one time.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. add commands to shuffleboard
  2. try to run them

Desktop (please complete the following information): Version 2023.3.2 JRE: 17.0.5+8 -- Eclipse Adoptium Operating system: Windows 10 10.0 amd64

hollisms commented 1 year ago

Same issue on Mac M1

Starlight220 commented 1 year ago

Can you upload Shuffleboard's logs from times that this happened? Shuffleboard log files are at ~/Shuffleboard/.

Tom-ne commented 1 year ago

I think it might be this, but I am not sure shuffleboard.2023-02-13-19.05.06.log

Starlight220 commented 1 year ago

From a quick glance there seem to be multiple exceptions in the log. Will investigate more in a bit.

Starlight220 commented 1 year ago

@Tom-ne the log you uploaded is from Shuffleboard v2023.1.1. The common exception there was fixed in #759 (released in 2023.4.1). There's some more errors/warnings there (some problems with loading saved layouts and CameraServer properties), but doesn't seem to show anything obviously part of this issue.

Tom-ne commented 1 year ago

I will check the log file on our computers again and try to find the log file

Tom-ne commented 1 year ago

shuffleboard.2023-02-21-10.19.13.log I think it might this, near the end of the file

Starlight220 commented 1 year ago

That's curious. Are you sure that the command is still being published to NT when this happens?

Tom-ne commented 1 year ago

I dont know. It should

Starlight220 commented 1 year ago

Does this reproduce with the newly-releases 2023.4.3? We hope that https://github.com/wpilibsuite/shuffleboard/pull/778 fixed this.

Tom-ne commented 1 year ago

I don't know, I need to check

chauser commented 12 months ago

This should have been fixed by the fix for allwpilib#5323 but it should be checked. Will need to use allwpilib HEAD for the test. I am not able to do the test now but if someone can then this can be closed.